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The truth
8 August 2006 09:52

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/13/2006 09:34 by Krim.
8 August 2006 10:16
Try to read /see his speech in the protest on sunday he told it as it is !
8 August 2006 17:17
Hi Krim,

Although it's always a delight to listen to Galloway sweep the floor with his debators, I particularly liked the way he buried the chairman of the senate hearings on the "oil for food" scandal, but I wouldn't call him a great man. Let's face it, he's a populist, he says what we like to hear, what our political representatives are too squeamish to utter but that's not greatness. Greatness would be to admit along the Israel ruthless imperialistic policy in the region that Hezbollah is irresponsible. When the dust settles, Lebanon would have been thrown back a decade in its economy and its infrastructure. I know Israel was just waiting for an excuse to implement a plan that was already drawn, I know that a majority of the arab world is cheering, but the question that I still don't have an answer to is : shouldn't an organisation that claims to defend the interests of its people, be more cautious in triggering actions that are destroying and killing the very same people they claim to defend ?
Basic military rule : when your strategy kills more of your ranks, you change strategy. But in the heat of the ideological battle going on right now, reasoning is forbidden, self-criticism is treachery, on both sides I might add, Israeli intellectual who denounce the savagery of the IDF are muddied in the newspapers.
Something to think about.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2006 10:28 by chelhman.
8 August 2006 18:03
Sorry about my agnorance but can anyone tell me who is the man who was speaking in skynews?

8 August 2006 18:09
Hi Ex-missdoll,

That's George Galloway, he's a british member of parliament (MP).
8 August 2006 19:09
Hi Ex-missdoll,

That's George Galloway, he's a british member of parliament (MP).

oh ok I see thanks chelhman smiling smiley
9 August 2006 01:27
what to say ?…..I don’t see any concrete solution for what is happening …in every Arabic channel news you hear the same....Israel is the monster ..the killer….the criminal…ect ….but does that change any thing in the situation ? since the middle east conflict more than 60 years now we are analysing ….discussing …..asking questions and ending up by blaming Israel for the disaster ….victimisation is not a solution ….without honest self criticism on the Arabic side there is no way out of this misery…
9 August 2006 01:42
What an interview! He said so many things that I have been saying and thinking and then some.
Galloway is very much an arab/muslim sympathiser. He had the courage of his convictions to say so much more than our arab/muslim leaders. If only they had an ounce of his courage in this respect.

He lost a lot of credibility with jo public including his muslim fans when he appeared on the Big Brother programme.However, with that kind of interview, I think he will be regaining it with leaps and bounds.

One thing I am sick of is the double standards the media gives over its coverage of this conflict. One innocent person killed is one too many, but it does appear that a jew's life is considered more valuable than a muslim's life. But then again, life is full of people with double standards, hypocrisy gone mad!
9 August 2006 03:06
Shame on us
9 August 2006 09:44
Dear Chelhman
An european politician talking like him and attacking Israel and the media the way he did requires a great courage. I remember what happened to Jurgen Mölleman a german parlement member whoa was very soft in critisizing Israel. I assure you it won´t take to much time to see Galloway in big troubles. Probably, He knows the consequences. Despite, he speaks out his mind. Wait and see.

Hi Krim,

Although it's always a delight to listen to Galloway sweep the floor with his debators, I particularly liked the way he buried the chairman of the senate hearings on the "oil for food" scandal, but I wouldn't call him a great man. Let's face it he's a populist, he says what we like to hear, what our political representatives are too squeamish to utter but that's not greatness. Greatness would be to admit along the Israel ruthless imperialistic policy in the region that Hezbollah is irresponsible. When the dust settles, Lebanon would have been thrown back a decade in its economy and its infrastructure. I know Israel was just waiting for an excuse to implement a plan that was already drawn, I know that a majority of the arab world is cheering, but the question that I still don't have an answer to is : shouln't an organisation that claims to defend the interests of its people, be more cautious in triggering actions that are destroying and killing the very same people they claim to defend ?
Basic military rule : when your strategy kills more of your ranks, you change strategy. But in the heat of the ideological battle going on right now, reasoning is forbidden, self-criticism is treachery, on both sides I might add, Israeli intellectual who denounce the savagery of the IDF are muddied in the newspapers.
Something to think about.
9 August 2006 10:22
Hi Krim,

I wouldn't worry about Galloway, he has a solid constituency, his speeches actually win him votes. At the end of day, electors have the final say, that's the beauty of a real democracy. The UK, for all the flaws of the current leardership is still a balanced democracy, unlike the US where the word "balance" means corporate money has been equally spread between the two twin parties or Republicrates as they're called these days.
11 August 2006 17:00

George Galloway..An MP ...anyone could foul the senate ..all u need a bit of brain and protection..he got his from the queen ...concerning being great ..never been never will be a great man ...Remember who the great one is there only is one not two

Have u seen him in Big Brother House..what an Idiot
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