Hi Ex-missdoll,
That's George Galloway, he's a british member of parliament (MP).
Hi Krim,
Although it's always a delight to listen to Galloway sweep the floor with his debators, I particularly liked the way he buried the chairman of the senate hearings on the "oil for food" scandal, but I wouldn't call him a great man. Let's face it he's a populist, he says what we like to hear, what our political representatives are too squeamish to utter but that's not greatness. Greatness would be to admit along the Israel ruthless imperialistic policy in the region that Hezbollah is irresponsible. When the dust settles, Lebanon would have been thrown back a decade in its economy and its infrastructure. I know Israel was just waiting for an excuse to implement a plan that was already drawn, I know that a majority of the arab world is cheering, but the question that I still don't have an answer to is : shouln't an organisation that claims to defend the interests of its people, be more cautious in triggering actions that are destroying and killing the very same people they claim to defend ?
Basic military rule : when your strategy kills more of your ranks, you change strategy. But in the heat of the ideological battle going on right now, reasoning is forbidden, self-criticism is treachery, on both sides I might add, Israeli intellectual who denounce the savagery of the IDF are muddied in the newspapers.
Something to think about.