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Tube strikes ruined my week
6 September 2007 16:50
Hi, thanks to those of you who sent me nice messages asking about my whereabouts. I have had the most miserable week after underground workers decided to take industrial action against their employers. I used to feel quite sympathetic to their cause but now I’m sorry I don’t anymore! 3 days of strikes!!! They should be lucky they still have their jobs. I mean people do rebel against bad conditions, salaries etc but they should think of the consequences they are imposing on everybody who’s dependent on them, especially when it’s such a vital sector as trains! They wanted to make a point; a day would have been more than enough! And some workers could speak in the name of colleagues, why does EVERYONE has to strike??? Anyway, because of this, I was confined to work from home for 2 days because I simply couldn’t get to work in less than 3 hours and a half in the morning and in the afternoon! You might think its ideal to work from home but believe me it’s not, well not in my case anyway. I don’t get the luxury of putting my feet up the sofa and watch Trisha (not that I’m fan of Trisha or anything), I had to be in front of my screen all the time replying to the 10 MSN (yes we use MSN at work) and skype windows that never stopped blinking and felt claustrophobic being all alone with no one to talk to. The only luxury I had was to be in my nighty all the time so I didn’t have to worry about doing my hair or make up or anything.
The trains are back to normal but it’s far from over since tubes might face more misery next first the floodings, then the strikes and soon Boris Johnson will be new mayor, what the hell’s going on in London???
Ok I’d better stop now. Sorry you had to endure my moaning, that was my grumpy hour in the day smiling smiley
At least, summer seems to be back and Big Brother is over, yay!! I can finally switch on my TV and relax Clap
Good day to all
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
6 September 2007 23:11
Hello & welcome back

The strike brought misery to all londonners ,i had 2 hours journeys on the first day but luckily i could leave work early ......
The issue here is there was no reason to strike the same insurrances were given from day one but the union decided to strike 7 they decided they may do it again next week too !
Its shows how London rely on its tube system ..........
Boris he is a joker but what to expect he is a con -servative !
7 September 2007 12:20
I know! they are planning more strikes next week, i can't believe it! now i'm sure tube workers are selfish thugs with no sense of responsibility.

you're right about Johnson,he is a prefabricated product of the conservatives but i'm not sure he is a joke, or at least a big proportion of londoners don't seem to think so. He's certainly got a much more interesting background than Livingstone and people tend to feel reassured when they have an educated leader. I think it'll be a great pity to lose Ken, he truly loves London and has done wonderful things to boost it and make it the great international and cosmopolitan city that it's now. he 's also very sympathetic to the arab communities and the ethnic minorities in general and this clearly will change if Boris Johnson becomes mayor.
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
7 September 2007 14:30
it looks likes british unions are becoming more and more french.

Regarding Boris, i liked that fact the he is planing to bring back the routemaster bus. you know, those lovely buses where you could hop in and out very quickly. I really felt sad when when Ken phased them out. that's my only grief towards him, apart from this he has been perfect as mayor.
7 September 2007 21:44
Well i'am sre Ken will be missed by the ethnic community specialy the arabs as his support for us will be missed ,but we wait & see ..............

to beat the transport issue iam thinking to get a moped but the downside is the rain ........
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