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Undercover at the mosque ! (a must watch)
26 January 2007 19:33
If you know Islam then you shouldnt really be suprised.

part 1 :


part 2 :


part 3 :


part 4 :


part 5 :


part 6 :


They deserve to die because they are all kuffar !! thats what islam ask you to do .

is This a religion of Peace ! ? lol

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/26/2007 07:35 by Obs2006.
26 January 2007 23:53
Thanks Obs2006.I missed watching the program but now I have.

There is a clear distinction between The Islamic faith and Muslims. The same applies for Christianity and Christains or any other faiths. There are two ways to produce a piece of documentary. You are either treating the text from an objective point of view or a subjective one. Some people beleive anything that the media says but rather than investigated yourself and then make your decision.This is a route to any knowledge. we are not babies letting others feeding us anything that they cook for us - they have many weird spices that makes our brain dull. Like a spider knitting her web around our brain so no constructive thoughts get out.
Islam is one of the world's great monotheistic religions and has achieved wonder for humanity. This is a fact and it is proven. Islam is a message of peace but some of those who have received this message have misunderstood it.
27 January 2007 07:33
Soon to be : Republic islamic of England ! lol

who s next ?
France ? ooops ,sorry france is already a republic islamic country Clap

Good luck England .

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/2007 07:35 by Obs2006.
28 January 2007 04:03
Oh Obs2006 !

France a republic islamic ? When ? We are in 2007 or 2580 perplexe

You know, where I'm from, there is no mosque, only churches ...
28 January 2007 16:25
moody smiley oh yeah,
I do remember I have watched this useless programme. a recist reporter who made it. I couldn't keep whatching it, I feeled the pain, people don't know how our religion is peacfull.undercovers in mosques is not a new thing, but we've been created with a brain that we think with, why should we beleave them than. moody smiley
28 January 2007 20:43
moody smiley oh yeah,
I do remember I have watched this useless programme. a recist reporter who made it. I couldn't keep whatching it, I feeled the pain, people don't know how our religion is peacfull.undercovers in mosques is not a new thing, but we've been created with a brain that we think with, why should we beleave them than. moody smiley

so you mean those imams in the mosque are fake and made by some kind of software

Don't be ridiculous , please . Those are the facts , and listen at what the imams said on the reportage , listen to the imam , listen to the hatred towards other religions and toward occident , liste to the hate that comes from his mouth .
29 January 2007 00:08
A very narrow minded person Censored.
You are like those people who are walking with 'I just do not want to know' written on their front head.If you say something to them, they said, 'I have seen it on the media so it is true'.
29 January 2007 13:25
i really dont understand some things...
you know, i was told so many things about Islam... that sometimes i ask myself if it's true or not...

i'm a human being, i have spiritual needs. i find a religion i love. i see interesting positions and smart things in it. but i have to take it as a whole. not say "i like this part" and reject the rest.

you believe in a messenger or you dont. i believe in Mohammed's message. the whole message. because i saw truth in it. but the problem, is that i dont know hiw whole message.

and there is people playing to add or to retrieve parts of his message. or to add new stuff...

and of course, i grew up in a non-muslim world. this is the most important part of it. or even worse, a world fighting the Muslim religion. for X reasons.

so, will come a man, telling you "do you believe in the message of Mohammed?" and then you answer him "yes, i do. i'm a Muslim." and then he tells you "the Muslim have to kill the homosexuals..."

the only thing that could protect you from doing a mistake... would be knowledge. the knowledge of Islam... about the very message of this prophet.

and the two answers (false or correct) can be both true. we all know that homosexuality isnt part of the Muslim way of life. so it's not impossible to see homosexuality punished harshly.

but in the other hand, if you got a deep knowledge of Islam. you will see that the consequences of this action are "bad"... meaning that it's evil to attack these people...
and that these people arent a threat for you...

but here comes the interpretation... if the homosexuals make a lobby to fight Islam because they think that it's a religion opposed to homosexuality... they put themselves as enemies...

they arent people trying to live their lives in peace. but people launching an offensive on a culture and religion... and then, attacks on them could be seen as acceptable... or worse... necessary.

it's very hard to define.

and there is also tons of false ideas... what if the woman was indeed "deficient"? do you know the nature of women?
if you want my opinion, both men and women are deficient... they need each others...

and the woman loves the might of a man... a woman loves the grip of a man... it's in her heart...

of course, the society pushed the woman against her nature and gave her the will to be independant and "equal" to the man...
and then we see women asking about the very meaning of being a woman... why the woman should get pregnant? and not the man?
dont you see that? it's a joke. but i see feminists asking these kind of questions...

we live in a crazy world...
and the man who knows a lot, learned to say "i dont know"... or at least "i'm not sure"...

but the extremists are useful... without them, we cant do a thing.

blame democracy... democracy blocked us, and installed a conflict creating system. we need to convince the others to act... what we think isnt important anymore...

and this is the problem... have fun. and watch out, your brain is your worse enemy...
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