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10 August 2007 13:29
unemployment is a real problem in Morocco , every year armies of students finish their studies and found themselves with nothing to do an easy target for beardies to brainwash them and use them for their fanatic stone aged dreams
i know a lot of young people in Morocco finished university but when you ask them : do you have any computer skills , they say no, anyskill which could be used in practice not in theorie nooooo!!!!!the education system is the cause of unemployment , Morocco had to import engineers and certain professionals from abroad
we still have this mentality in morocco everybody dream is to work for government company because it s guarantee it s a lifetime job and when a person retires he or shes passes it to his children we inherit jobs (the same scenarion in politicssad smiley), private companies are looked at as unsecure , abuse their employees and could throw them out anytime they feel like it because ther is a complete absence of any law to protect employees ,
what are the solutions in your opinions for this big big problem ????
10 August 2007 14:01

Its a huge problem & in my view we need to change the way we tackle studies & work
Jobs are not for life in Morocco or else where so we need to equipe our youth with all the skills needed ,computer skills & the rest look at India centres ,service industries ect .........

Once the country has all this in mind it will design courses for it & when the students finish they will be able to find jobs
We also need to think about skills we have lost them , builder , plumbers ,carpenters ........they all cowboys we do not have skilled & qualified people & we need them
also the mentality of getting a job with the governement run compagnie where they can steal , do not turn up to work & still get payed ....................need to change its again a lot of work to be done at grass roots
11 August 2007 11:06
Acctualy I like the Moroccan system, cause it form Student with so many skills, of course over the half we don´t use in our professionel life. but we have to addmit that one educated Moroccan have many knowledge that 5 docters in USA or Europe have. foreign student are very good at what they do, Medecin computer science ..etc. but GENERAL KNOWLEDGE I dont think so. just look at our language skills..etc.
you go to Spain, USA, France 90 % dont speak other that there own language.

May be this knowledge won´t pay the rent, but I guess is for the individuel to make moves. Morocco is a fresh country with so many opportunity. Young Moroccan need to find out a way to make there living.
the system give you an education "key to your life" is for you to find way out how to make it fonctionable to make a way of living.

Privat sector in Morocco is growing fast I guess, cause there is no computer company nor medical LAB own by the state, .. is just classic jobs like police, army, MOQADA3A, banks, insurrance that own by the state.

Young need to start thinking positvaly, believing in there knowledge, cause experience comes with work.
and dont have your expectation higher. there many high educated moroccan in europe have started doing dishes but they find there way to succes. there is no high educated moroccan that want to start from the bottom. Cause you have to move arround different jobs until you meet your luck, where you can use your skills.

Standing in the to corner of the street with your diplomat hanging in the living room, wont make any changes in your life.

I wish I had an education in a handy field like mecanic, builder.. cause we need that badly in Morocco.

for exemple you take you car to a mecanic, he does fix it but with so many loos part he forget to put back and his finger print every where missy jobs. if I was living in Morocco, I will open mecanic shop and hire young mecanics and teach them to work clean and with style. we dont have that at all. There are very beautifull cars in Morocco but so many kharbaq calling them selvs mecanic.

I wont care if I have a PHD in physic BUT I am running a shop fixing cars cause in the end of the day I still pay my rent and build a familly. and this though we need to put in our young´s head.

may be I am wrong.??!!
11 August 2007 13:50

That is the point we need skilled workers every where,builders,electricians,plumbers ..ect we need them as Morocco is building more & more
11 August 2007 15:32
Exactly guys
in Morocco we have this mentality : a builder job or a plummer is looked as not very respectable
everybody who study want an office job
we need skilled people they a the core of the economie , and they play a vital role in the developpement
the current stuation now in morocco we have thousands and thousands of qualified teacher unemployed for exemple arabic teachers so my question is why a lot of students choose to study arabic litterature at the university to be teachers this is how we end up with unskilled unemployed young people , morocco needs to invest heavily in institutions which produce skilled people in everyday jobs , electricians, engineering, carpenters , builders , mecanics, coach drivers , the entertaining field , skilled shefs , hotel workers , nurses , mid wives ..............
11 August 2007 19:58
The people is the problem, we allways try to finde an easy way and if we can't find it we blame others or the government/coruption/jews/weather and you name it. I have said it before and I will say it again the problems lie fuindamantely in a countries people and not the country or its government. In the end the government or thesystem is either the peoples choice or they are too lazy to make it better for them self (in our case its the last scenario). If people can get a job then make your own job. I know people from Europe (not moroccans) who moved to Morocco to start a company, why can't the moroccans do the same? I tell you way they wait for people to create the jobs for them, because they are used to that their mothers or other people do everything for them. Don't even let me begin with the construction workers and easy way to spot lazyness in a society is too look on how people don't give a damn about details or proper work. They just whant to get over it and get the money. I have used an "elctrician" or "plumber" for the last time in Morocco. I do it my self, because those people don't work after any building standards or measure anything they just do things in a hurry and many times with the result thaty they either have to redo with a new spare part (extra cost) or they blame the existing installations. I have never seen an electrician use the corect collor wiring. Many times you see a plumber uses plastic hoses inside concrete walls which are not aproved for that kind of installations and without any kind of extra protection. I have redone many things for my parents and family members because they have hired local labour to "fix" things for them.
20 August 2007 00:16
You're lucky Kutchia to be a handy person. Most Moroccans are not and rely on local labor to do very basic and relatively easy stuff. Just wanted to add one more thing. I personally believe that 'La Fac' also produces thousands of future unemployed people because they are totally unqualified for any kind of job. Someone here mentioned Arabic literature graduates, I would add philosophy, History and Geography, even law studies. Remember that the business language in Morocco is French, so anyone who is unable of going through a French job interview is out. We have Arabized the educational system and kept French as the top most important language to be spoken back home. How do we conciliate these 2 contradictory facts? You're probably right to say that we are too lazy to change the system, but the system is also producing many victims. It's the story of the egg and the chicken: Who came first?
20 August 2007 10:34
every governement says : it s not my fault , it is the previous minsiters !!!!!!!succes has so many fathers but failure is orphan , the current governement whenever someone speaks about this probleme they say our plan : is to employ 250 ooo a year , one million in 5 years in same time universities give 300000 unqualified moroccans a year (whos been wasting their life in memeorising the map of china of phylos )found themselves looking for jobs without any practical skills !!!!!!!isn t it better and more logical to start with the root of the problem which is the education system ,
the most irritating thing is listening to this political parties shewing on this problem and promising the impossible ( a lot of bull shit)
my quewstion is what the current education minister has added or changed or contributed to change the situation ??????evrybody thinks of his personal gain , how fat is his swiss bank , how much money he made while he is a minister , this problem doen t need einstein brain to solve it , a little planning ahead , changing the number one responsible of this army of unqualified people (education system)
and building institutions for skills instead of free universities eye rolling smiley
20 August 2007 18:36
Shireen-->The system is the people, developed countries became that because of hard work from the people. Arabs have become lazy and corrupt and there will be no development unless the attitude changes.
Tourism btw is not a sustainable income, but makes the country dependent on a fragile income that can change in a matter of days of one single stupid act from a confiused individual.
20 August 2007 19:56
Shireen-->The system is the people, developed countries became that because of hard work from the people. Arabs have become lazy and corrupt and there will be no development unless the attitude changes.

***Yes it is times for our attitudes to change.

Tourism btw is not a sustainable income, but makes the country dependent on a fragile income that can change in a matter of days of one single stupid act from a confiused individual.

***That's true mostly for Muslim countries such us ours smiling smiley.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/21/2007 11:12 by Shireen.
21 August 2007 00:24
(one stupid single act from a a confused in dividual)perplexecontradiction : staged propaganda perplexewhich i read a few seconds ago
let me rephrase ( this little act is considered by normal people a crime against innocent)
and by the way tourisme is major pillar for the economy specially for a country like morocco
with the right investment it has a lot potentiel and could be a big player in the tourism industry with the right managment thanks to the unique touristic wealth that morocco has and could provide an income to millions of moroccans in all seasons. spinning smiley sticking its tongue outOheye popping smiley
31 August 2007 16:04
Heard the new one !

No builders ,skill workers in Marrakech these days ! i know a guy having to drive to Berrchid to find them & take them to kech provide food & a room to get his work done !

We should add laziness to one of the factors causing a big employement in the country, they not willing to learn new skills ,adapt ,or move from town to town ..............they only willing to cross over the the "ELdorado "
31 August 2007 16:17
I wish they could cross and use their skills! look at the polish! they're good at building, plumbing and their reputation has grown so much that they became more expensive than british builders!
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
31 August 2007 16:19
I was thinking to set up an agency taking poles & Romanians to do the work back home they are good cheap & not fussy so far !
31 August 2007 16:21
lol atlas are you serious?? are we really suffering from a shortage of skilled workers back home?
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
31 August 2007 16:29
Its being years sinc we have a shortage of good ,reliable & trust worthy workers ...
When i'am frustrated i say it but i do not think i will start the biz as yet ..........
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