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walloo is just walloo
26 February 2008 16:29
It's a lovely word in our dialect that can hide big sentance in the right setuation does anyone know its origin?


27 February 2008 08:58

From my knowledge of Classical Arabic i think this word may come from the expression "wa laou..." or "wa la.." which means "Not even a ..." this is not a scientific hypothesis taken out of an academic research or something but it seems to me the nearest and most plausible connection.. i know that in algerian kabyle "Berber" walloo means "oulach" which seems nearer to the arabic "wa la chai'" meaning not a single thing ..
Nevertheless, the word could may come from Tamazight or any other foreign lanaguage with which we had to deal in the past... wa allah a3lam
4 March 2008 10:34
Many thanks for your expanation buddy, it does make sense.

Adidas Best regards are the best


Adidas Best
4 March 2008 11:20
Not at all, thanks also it is an interesting post...
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