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we are what t we eat???
21 August 2007 16:41
i have 2 questions : the first is for people living in London and i am one of them , i am based in london but i travel a lot to toronto
do you trust eating beef in uk ?????????
the second question is : do you read the ingredients of the packaged food? and what are the popular
E numbers reffering to pork that you know and you try to avoid ????

bon appetitsmiling smiley
22 August 2007 18:38
helloooooo mate,how u doing???
i lived in england for years , and i did eat british beef once or twice not sure but i try to avoid it
i dont trust it , i think it s better to be safe than sorry and not touch it at all
i see people eating it everyday (macdonald for instance )the burgers are made from british beef,
2nd question : all what i know about the e numbers : the e400 s means they have pork in the ingredients but i am sure they use pork gelatine in everything because it is very cheap, specially in capsules for vitamins and medecines sleeping
22 August 2007 19:24
Hi, I've always eaten beef and so does my husband and we're both fine thank god smiling smiley

I don't buy meat at all from supermarkets but it's more for hygiene reasons than anything else. I've seen a private investigation about the way they package and repackage minced meat which is anything but fresh and that put me off forever!

I buy meat from my local butcher. It's a little expensive but worth it for all reasons. Plus we're not big meat eaters anyway, we eat fish more than beef or lamb.

As for packaged food, yes i do read the ingredients on every single thing i buy even lemonade smiling smiley it's becoming a sort of relfexe and i have to say, I many times had to put things back after reading what it contained winking smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
22 August 2007 21:38
hi everybodysmiling smiley
personnaly , i am so paranoid about the beef in uk , i have never eaten it , i am so petrafied from the mad cow thingmoody smileyspecially after i read that the virus can remain dormant in the human body for 14 years unless the body experiences trauma which can overwhelm the immune system for exemple people infected in the 80 they get the symptoms in the mid 90 eye popping smiley
minimouse , it a good habit that you check the ingredients i do the same even it takes me longer to do shopping but it is necessary , an oother thing which is very harmful is something called: hydrogenated oil , it is illegal to be used in food in countries like norway because the human body can t absorb it so it blocks the artries, in uk i noticed it is used a lot in cakes and soups ....etc even in children snackswinking smiley

bonne sante a tout le mondesmiling smiley
24 August 2007 01:15
Regarding pork,isn't it safer to buy halal meat only?
24 August 2007 10:40
Pork isn t in meat form only, the pork fat and 100 s types of gelatine from a pork source are used in thousands products for flavouring and they reffer to it with an : E number !!!!!
pork E numbers : are in biscuits, crips,cakes, soups, pickled products , staff in tins , .......etc
an investigation in the halal meat and the product with labels (saying halal product) they found these E numbers (in a pakistanian shop )it has been found in some indian snacks, pastes , frozen products ....etc
lately it was in the news : the chocolats (mars. snickers.... ) and others , this caused a big outrage from the vegetarians who took these chocolat companies to court asking them not to use E numbers (pork source)
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