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what an idiot!!!!!
20 August 2007 13:22
i really can t find the suitable words to express my anger at this stupid idiot who went into a touristic area and explosed himself near a tourist coach in lahdim a Meknes , it sickened me
i ve never imagined the degre of stupidioty could reach such point !!!!!!

this mr doukali is aged 30 been married recently and have a baby , fianancially well off with a salary of 10000 dh a month which is in moroccan standard of living is pretty good he has a stable good job well respected in a tax office in the center of Meknes , he just b ought a luxerious car recently he took a week of and in the last day of his holiday he went to lahdim which the old town a Meknes and exploded himself in front of the tourists , he lost his arm but fortunately no other person was hurt !!!!what sort of behaviour is this , meknes is a poor town and recently is trying to encourage tourisme as most tourist go to fes and meknes is just a resting place for couple hours , thousand of meknesiens live on tourisme , what he is trying to prove ? and who he is trying to kill?didn t he spear a thought for his wife or child ? didn t he think may be he will kill an innocent child or father in the street
since when killing innocent deserves guarantee the ticket to paradise!!! the choking news is revealed today in moroccan newspaper as he is member since 1998 of political party al adel wa al ihsane who portray themselves as a peaceful party and distanced themselkves of what happened in casablanca and the killing of innocents there in 2003, morocco is a country of peace , and we should not tolerate such behaviour , these people who dream to plant the seed of fear and the killing of the innocent are not moroccans , they are criminals and need to be condamned by everyone
growing a beard, preaching, and brainwashing people became a job for every looser without nothing to do and wants to feel important , it s became a real threat to all what the moroccans are trying to acheive
the little breeze of democracy that the new king gave will take few steps back becasue of these sort of behaviour !!!!!!, in moroccan we dont need dectatorship , and wed ont need beardies what we need is to be left alone to build our country step by step far from fanatism and dectatorship
20 August 2007 18:24
And you think you are a good person by generelising a whole party (on of the biggest) based on one single act of a member (we don't even know that he is a member or that a bomb even exploaded). Could it be propaganda maybee? Someone could have an interest in blaming that particular party for a teorism suporting party. Maybee you are also a bit brainwashed by propaganda? People who are brainwashed normaly don't know the fact that they are and insteasd thinks that everyone else is.
The world is not that simple as you whant it to be us Vs them and evil Vs good. It's more complex and you need to analyse before storming out from the bushes and blaming people who think different than you as been somebody who whants to do evil deeds.
20 August 2007 23:42
your idea is the real propaganda?the idiot that you are defending carried a gas canister in his hand and exploded it in a crowded area in front of the eyes of hundreds meknessis , are you suggesting that someone planted the bomb in his bottom and with a remote control he pressed the button and just by coincidance or by some footage from a science fiction film he lost his arm and his toes , an intelligent person with one brain cell will scrutch his beard twice and come up with a better idea
wella li fih lfez tayhfez,
PS:this is a forum for the everyone to discuss whatever they like , and i am free to write a paragraph or a book or even an encyclopedia if i want to but unfortunately i dont have time at the moment if my topic hit a sensitive nerve with someone the secret word is : dont comment

allah y3afo mn had al jahl wtakhalof et la culture de destruction (tm)OhOhOhOh
21 August 2007 08:35
First of I am glad that you edited your post where you acused me of being a terorist.
I don´t know where you get this idea that i support teorrism, but it must be because you see people ass been teorists if they have another opinion than yours.
Take a breath and read my post slowly again and I am sure you will understand that what I wrote was that you can´t blame a whole party just because ONE memeber (who may or may not be a member) have blown him self up in a street (if it was what really happened). No where in my post did I defend a teorrist act and neither do I support other form of killing innocent people whatever it´s called a war, defence ethnic clensing or what ever.
I will not bother reply to any of your posts as you here by are in my ignore list.
21 August 2007 16:28
just for clearification , ther is no option here that a member could edit his post , it s done by the moderator and the reasons are known !!!!i am glad you read my comment before being edited by this site
the truth hurts sometimes , it s a tough thing but someone has to say iteye popping smileywinking smileya friend of mine has read this comment reffering to this morron of lahdim: it is a single act of confused individual ...) it s hilarious Clappoor him confused we shall forgive him, give him few medals , and a pay rise ClapClapit s a unique expression which should be included in any brain washing lecon for people who been born yesterdayClap
the above pseudo will be invisible to my highness from now onsorry i dont have time No nowinking smiley
24 August 2007 01:12
Sure you can edit your post Rosette. I've done that a thousand times.
24 August 2007 14:31
I've edited mine many times as well. And I doubt that the moderators would edit our English posts because they never did even when people were insulting and swearing to each other smiling smiley
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
24 August 2007 18:17
thanks shireen and minimouse, i dont know where is the option of editingsmiling smileyany clues!!!????
yes, the moderator has edited it may be it didn t conform to their rules or it wasn t to their taste, it didn t have swearing but sharp direct logical words, anyway it s not important In love thanks again
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