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What movie(s) have you recently seen
12 July 2007 23:06
Oki I thought I wanted to start a new topic and I hope you guys don't mind. I love movies and I thought we could share reviews of resent movies we have seen or recomend movies.

The last movie i have seen (for the 3rd time) is El Maquinista (2004) aka The Machinist starring Christian Bale (Best actor in my opinion, if Italian football players dont count).

"The Machinist" is a film about a man who hasn't slept in a year, and he starts thinking that he's losing his mind, when he starts seeing hallucinations, and his perception of reality becomes twisted. He's haunted by a co-worker that no one else can see"

I will not tell more but see it and you will not regret.

What movie(s) have you recently seen?
13 July 2007 03:13
Salamsmiling smiley,

I saw "Shrek".confused smiley
I don't know if we can really consider it as a film.

It is my small cousin who wanted to see him.I promessgrinning smiley
Don't think that this request emanated from me.

Otherwise, recently I saw again the movie "Crash".
Really excellent. To see and to see again..
One step forward and two ahead...
13 July 2007 10:34
Kutchia, this was my idea in the brainstorming topic!!!! you've been here only 5 mn and you're already stealing ideas eye popping smiley

Only kidding, thanks for opening this topic, i'm a big fan of movies but not so much of hollywood i'm afraid...i do watch an american movie when the reviews are good but i've had enough of sci-fi lies and american paranoia of conspiracy theories so I turned to European and world cinema few years ago and haven't regretted it. However, I'm going to contradict myself here because the last film i saw was Die hard 4 with Bruce willis grinning smiley but i was forced to watch it because my friend begged me to and i wish i didn't. it was total rubbish and not creative at all! never again bruce willis!
13 July 2007 12:18
He He thanks for letting me steal your great idea Minni. Yeah I agree on you about Die Hard 4, it is rubish but it still got godd reviews. The Die Hard seires is just like a medicore soup cooked over the same bones over and over.

If you are in too world cinema you should check out movies made by the director Yimou Zhang, he is one of the worlds best Directors ( I find him as the best ever director). Here is a list with of some of his movies I can recomend:

Wo de fu qin mu qin (1999), aka The Road Home
Yi ge dou bu neng shao (1999), aka Not One Less
Ying xiong (2002), aka Hero
Shi mian mai fu (2004), aka House of Flying Daggers
Man cheng jin dai huang jin jia (2006), aka Curse of the Golden Flower
13 July 2007 13:07
Hi all,

two movies I liked particularly are “A Touch of Spice” by the Greek director Tassos Boulmetis and "Monsieur Ibrahim" Director François Dupeyron ...main actor Omar Sharif...great movies showing cliches between different cultures.....
13 July 2007 13:07
Oh thanks for these suggestions! I have watches Hero, the house of flying dragons and the curse of the golden flowers and i really liked them. The pictures were stunning and i agree that it's revolutionised the world of pictures and proved to be the best so far. However I wouldn't go as far as considering Yimou Zhang as the best director ever smiling smiley
13 July 2007 13:15
hi Minniemouse ,

we posted our messages in the same time....waw our forum is getting crowdedsmiling smiley....
13 July 2007 13:15
Hi all,

two movies I liked particularly are “A Touch of Spice” by the Greek director Tassos Boulmetis and "Monsieur Ibrahim" Director François Dupeyron ...main actor Omar Sharif...great movies showing cliches between different cultures.....

I havn't seen "A touch of spice" is it any good? I didn't like "monsieur Ibrahim" I don't have any particular reasons but I guess that the story wasn't so great and there were no action or beautiful ictures to compensate for the lack of story not that the story was bad, but not that good either.
13 July 2007 13:19
hi Minniemouse ,

we posted our messages in the same time....waw our forum is getting crowdedsmiling smiley....

Yes that's true Ilhem! how weird..but nice smiling smiley
13 July 2007 14:15
I havn't seen "A touch of spice" is it any good? I didn't like "monsieur Ibrahim" I don't have any particular reasons but I guess that the story wasn't so great and there were no action or beautiful ictures to compensate for the lack of story not that the story was bad, but not that good either.

Hi Kutchia,

"A touch of spice" is about a Greek community living in Istanbul….as you know Greek and Turks people don’t like much each other…of religion.. historical and cultural reasons…this movie shows that the two communities, even they think they’re different, they have so many similarities in their lifestyle….however the way the movie is mad is funny…it’s all about spices and cooking…. through cooking the director will show us that people create so many cliches to justify their hat to each other…..of course there is no action or stunning pictures …..but there a lot of charm…spices…colors and great message behind the movie…

"Monsieur Ibrahim" got 4 Golden glob's nominations ….I find the story talking about the relation between religions in a simple but deeper way …particularly when kids are involved….the religion couldn’t keep the old man and the teenager from loving each others…..but anyway if you’re looking for action the two movies are certainly not for you…..
13 July 2007 16:48

Hi Kutchia,

"A touch of spice" is about a Greek community living in Istanbul….as you know Greek and Turks people don’t like much each other…of religion.. historical and cultural reasons…this movie shows that the two communities, even they think they’re different, they have so many similarities in their lifestyle….however the way the movie is mad is funny…it’s all about spices and cooking…. through cooking the director will show us that people create so many cliches to justify their hat to each other…..of course there is no action or stunning pictures …..but there a lot of charm…spices…colors and great message behind the movie…

"Monsieur Ibrahim" got 4 Golden glob's nominations ….I find the story talking about the relation between religions in a simple but deeper way …particularly when kids are involved….the religion couldn’t keep the old man and the teenager from loving each others…..but anyway if you’re looking for action the two movies are certainly not for you…..

You know Ilhem, it's realy nice that people have such different tastes. Imagine a boring world it will be if it wans't the case, no wars and no colors because we would all love each other and wear the same brown bear skins and use the same type of clubs to knock out the rabits.

I whant a movie to be more than just a good story there should also be a plot, a surprise, a twist some beautiful pictures, good acting, superb language or maybee some action and etc. Remember one can allways argue when the story is good, as the stories can have different topics. A story could be good for some people because the topic is about something thats interest them, while for others the story isn't so good because the topic doesn't interest them. An example a movie has a story about a Chinese emporer who united China. A very uniteresting story for many, but when the director add some amazing scenes superb action and world class acting the whole movie becomes good because there are something that copensate for the lack of interest in the movies thheme (topic of the story). Thats what makes a good movie in my eyes. A movie most contain more than just great action or great acting or a great story, it must have more deminsions in it. Thats why I find that "Lost in Translation" was a bad movie even thoug it recived more rewards than " Pans Labyrinth" wich is a movie I find very good!

I hope you got an Idea why I didn't like "Monsieur Ibrahim" even though it won prices winking smiley It wasn't for the lack of action he he.
13 July 2007 17:14
[I whant a movie to be more than just a good story there should also be a plot, a surprise, a twist some beautiful pictures, good acting, superb language or maybee some action and etc. Remember one can allways argue when the story is good, as the stories can have different topics. A story could be good for some people because the topic is about something thats interest them, while for others the story isn't so good because the topic doesn't interest them. An example a movie has a story about a Chinese emporer who united China. A very uniteresting story for many, but when the director add some amazing scenes superb action and world class acting the whole movie becomes good because there are something that copensate for the lack of interest in the movies thheme (topic of the story). Thats what makes a good movie in my eyes. A movie most contain more than just great action or great acting or a great story, it must have more deminsions in it. Thats why I find that "Lost in Translation" was a bad movie even thoug it recived more rewards than " Pans Labyrinth" wich is a movie I find very good!

I hope you got an Idea why I didn't like "Monsieur Ibrahim" even though it won prices winking smiley It wasn't for the lack of action he he.

Plz don’t need to justify your choice’ve said’s great that people have different taste...and a movie is the best example of different one is forced to like the same movie even it gets the best awards in the world.....I also didn’t like the pirate of the Caribbean end of the world...even it’s a big action movie and I like very much Jony Deep ...sometimes quite and good stories could tell so the way I loved Lost in translation smiling smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/13/2007 05:15 by Ilhem2.
13 July 2007 17:24
See we had a some common thing we both didn't like after all Clap! I didn't like the last Pirate movie either. The story wasn't good, the acting of that girl who could kick all the hard core mofo pirates was terrible. Even though I like Jony Deep and I find him as a great actor, the movie is at best a 6 out of 10.

I will recomend you watch El Maquinista (2004) aka The Machinist starring Christian Bale. wWhen you get the chance Ilhem. I think you will like it very much.
you can read more about it here: []
It is a very underestimated movie.
13 July 2007 21:40
I took my little boy tyo watch Shrek, it was a good laugh. The other one I saw on DVD was Blood Diamond! superb!!!!
13 July 2007 22:34
I took my little boy tyo watch Shrek, it was a good laugh. The other one I saw on DVD was Blood Diamond! superb!!!!
Yeah both moviea are good, Blood Diamond was superb I don't have anything bad to say about that movie!
13 July 2007 22:45
I loved blood diamond, i have estimated the talend of Diccaprio for years but after this, well i can only bow to him. But the one i liked more was the Departed thumbs up

by the way Ilhem, i liked lost in translation too! Best role of Bill Murray so far
3 August 2007 03:28
I loved blood diamond, i have estimated the talend of Diccaprio for years but after this, well i can only bow to him. But the one i liked more was the Departed thumbs up

by the way Ilhem, i liked lost in translation too! Best role of Bill Murray so far


i saw blood diamond, it's a great movie. as for the departed, i didn't like much because i saw the original one from which it was done (3 sequels) a corean or chinese movie and the title is infernal affairs (one, two, three)

i haven't seen lost in translation but i will inchaallah.

as for monsieur ibrahim, i loved that movie.... great way to account for the meeting and the relationship development of two human beings.

i saw the queen and babel too: the first one is a nice picture of the british royal family and the second was great, thrilling and intriguing at first with those 3 different stories so far away from one another and yet linked. babel deserved more awards to my mind than the departed. but the first is by an "unknown" directed and the 2nd by the so famous martin scorcese..... babel stood no chance.
Il faut se garder de trois fautes : parler sans y être invité, ce qui est impertinence ; ne pas parler quand on y est invité, ce qui est de la dissimulation ; parler sans observer les réactions de l'autre, ce qui est de l'aveuglement. [Confucius]
3 August 2007 23:48
I also liked the Asian verions much better, I would not say the departed was a bad movie, it isn't but it missed some of core plots wich was in Internal affairs.

Did you by the way notice how good the moroccan acttors where in the movie Bable? And they were amatures incridible.
4 August 2007 03:58
I also liked the Asian verions much better, I would not say the departed was a bad movie, it isn't but it missed some of core plots wich was in Internal affairs.

Did you by the way notice how good the moroccan acttors where in the movie Bable? And they were amatures incridible.


well the departed isn,t a bad movie but as u rightly highlightened it missed some core plots and it was a bit rushed up in the end...two hours or three to sum up the asian version which lasted three long sequels.

as for babel, the moroccan actors were incredible and the two little boys so stunning in their natural way of acting...brilliant.
9 August 2007 20:12

my latest movies... so many! lol but my 2 favorites ones are:

Live free or die Hard!! a lot of action, i just loved it sooo much
transformers: a very good get together movie... fun to watch and brings back some good memories
10 August 2007 01:20
i am a film addict , the last film i watched on cinema was : pirates of the caribean 3, i wasn t impressed i liked 2 but 3 was badly written
on DVD: i recommend: the last king of scotland , great film , the main caracter who s playing general Amin of Yoganda was fantastic and won recently an oscar for his role , great story based on true story and true caracters
also watched: stranger than fiction which is about an author writing a book about this boring taxman she thought it is fictional but he existed in reality and he could hear talking a little comedy in it specially when the author was trying to kill the main caracter in her book and this taxman trying to stop her .........the script diferentthan normal films
10 August 2007 18:28
Last movie i did see was on 2M nice movie its was a sunday & i do not recall the title it was a storie of a Moroccan guy immigrating to the US & the problems he faced ........he lost it & become a junkie
any one seing it ? or know what i'am mubling on about ?
10 August 2007 18:36
not at all atlasmagic sorry to disappoint you grinning smiley

I dont recall watching a single good movie in 2M, it's either badly done or if it starts well it doesn't take long before it losed the plot so i gave up watching moroccan films sad smiley

the last film i saw was Hairspray, I absolutely loved it! it's a comedy set in the 60s about teenagers competing to appear in a dance show. the best musical comedy i saw, even better than Grease or West side story, in my opinion. The songs are fantastic and the acting superb (john travolta wicked in a woman's role lol) and i had to refrain myself from jumpring to dance some rock'nroll grinning smiley
11 August 2007 23:42

Last night I've watched The Bourne Ultimatum.
The action keeps you at the edge of your seat and looks so real. The acting is great and the story is solid and well told. BUT( yes there is always a BUT in every story) I think the cameramen had Parkinsons, it was too shaky which made my feel dizzy couple of times I know they want you to feel close up but just when your eyes started to focus they would change views.
But I would still recommend it, it's worth watching smiling smiley
12 August 2007 11:43
He he Exactly movie is good but the camera work sux Clap
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