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Where'd all the good people go
11 August 2007 00:11
Do you know this song by Jack Johnson? I thought of it this evening after a rather traumatising experience. I was in the tube coming home from work when we got stuck in a tunnel. The tube was packed but not asphyxiating because it's an overground train not underground so it wasn't too bad. Everyone was immersed in their reading or listening to their music when suddenly, a young woman started screaming at the other end of where i was sitting. I couldn't make out all what she was talking about but i heard her say "I am claustrophobic, i'm gonna die now in a tunnel...please help, there is no air and i don't want to die..." I was gobsmacked for a while as i never had to witness something like this before but as she grew more and more hysterical i was shocked at something else completely: Not a single person raised their head or looked at that woman once! people were just carrying on doing their stuff as if this woman was on a TV show or on a completely different planet, and this included the person who was sitting right next to her!!! I started feeling really uncomfortable as I kept looking for worried faces like mine but couldn't see any. I was completely at the other end of the train so couldnt actually see the woman or get to her especially as she was sitting but i could see the people who were standing next to her reading their papers as if they were deaf. How on earth could we be indifferent to such a disturbing sight? where did our human side go? have we sold our souls to the devil? have we become slaves to our poor pathetic materialistic lives to the point of feeling unconcerned and unsympathetic to someone screaming or dying? i didn't know what to do as the minutes grew longer and darkness surrounded us and as the woman's voice filled my head i was recoiling with shame for living in an era where humans are discarding their emotions and not feeling any shame to do so. Today's example is not the only one, I witness things everyday where people are less considerate to others, young men rushing and squeezing to take a seat when an old or pregnant lady is standing next to them. Woman being rude to other woman and kids etc, but today's scene was by far the worst and has left me deeply shaken. The train moved on eventually after what sounded like an eternity and the woman got off at the next stop and everybody carried on as normal as if that never happened and I found myself lost and wondering what these people really think this life is about...
and that made me think of Jack Johnson's song Whered all the good people go

You win
Its your show, now
So whats it gunna be
Cause people
Will tune in
How many train wrecks do we need to see?
Before we lose touch of
We thought this was low
It's bad gettin worse so

Whered all the good people go
Ive been changin channels
I dont see them on the tv shows
Whered all the good people go
We got heaps and heaps of what we sow

They got this and that and
With a rattle a tat
Testing one two,
Now whatcha gunna do?
Bad news, misused,
Got too much to lose
Gimme some truth
Now whos side are we on?
Whatever you say
Turn on the boob tube
Im in the mood to obey
So lead me astray by the way, now

Where'd all the good people go?
I've been changin channels
I dont see them on the tv shows
Whered all the good people go
We got heaps and heaps of what we sow

Sitting round feeling far away
So far away but I can feel the debris
Can you feel it?
You interrupt me from a friendly conversation
To tell me how great its all gunna be
You might notice some hesitation
Cause whats important to you is not important to me
Way down by the edge of your reasons
Its beginning to show
And all I wanna know is..

Whered all the good people go
Ive been changin channels
I dont see them on the tv shows
Whered all the good people go
We got heaps and heaps of what we sow

They got this and that
With a rattle a tat
Testing one, two
Now what you gonna do?
Bad news, misused, gimme some truth
You got too much to lose
Whose side are we on?
Whatever you say
Run the resolut but in the mood to obey
Station to station desensitizing the nation

you can listen to it here

11 August 2007 10:13
This story is quite shocking indeed Minniemouse. So much indifference is mind boggling.
11 August 2007 15:42
minnie mouse , yes it does exist , may be it do with the weather , beacuse it s cold people become cold in their feelings and caracters , they keep themselves in their shells but not all of them ther are some people , members of the public who still help a stranger in distress , as you probably know ther is a yearly ceremony in UK where they give medals and honour to the people who s been nominated for their heroism and helping others .
just yesterday i hit my foot in the street against something and i have nearly plunged and fell , it did hurtmoody smileyand a couple a man and woman came to me asking me if i am all right , i found that very touching and humane
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