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Where is the Indian Area in London?
15 February 2007 11:39
Hi guys,

Actually, I am looking for some Indain product for my hair et I would like to know which area is the Indian area?


Jeunemaghrebine02winking smiley
15 February 2007 14:22
hi Jeunemaghrebine02

tooting and southall

15 February 2007 14:22
what happened to the argan oil for your hair?....
15 February 2007 15:07
Tooting i know but it is not really nice and southall, i will have look!

15 February 2007 15:52
The argan oil didn't work for you then!
16 February 2007 18:33
I did not find any argan oil in Labrock grove,

My friend is going to Morocco and she will bring me some,

Thanks for asking!
25 February 2007 07:19
why dont u search in eastham,london as that part has lot of indian stores.
for the oil look for shicacai or amla.
I have heard that sikakai is best but I myself never used it.I use olive oil for my hair
zit zitoun forevergrinning smiley tongue sticking out smiley
26 February 2007 17:53
Hello Jeune Maghrebine,

Indian oil is good but it might be more suitable for Indian hair than for Moroccan hair. For my daughter I have found avocado oil and almond oil to be excellent. Argan oil is also very good but way too expensive in Paris.
27 February 2007 15:29

Brick lane is the largest Asian neighbourhood in London. The closest tube station is Shoreditch and you find loads of specialised shops and mini super markets and on sundays there is a big market. Tooting is mainly for restaurants and food shops, i live close and i don't recall seeing shops for hair products. Hope this helps
4 March 2007 12:29

I wanted to buy some coconut oil, that is why i was looking for the indian area in London,

Finally, i decided to buy it on lineand it is really nice!thumbs up for any hair (indian or moroccan!)
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