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Which country you prefer to live in??
15 March 2006 23:07
Which country you prefer to live in??

Apart From Morocco and the country you residing in the current time.

Which else country (only one) you see that is the best to live in and why?

what makes you believe that life there is the best?
23 March 2006 16:43
Which country you prefer to live in??

Apart From Morocco and the country you residing in the current time.

Which else country (only one) you see that is the best to live in and why?

what makes you believe that life there is the best?

Heaven inchallah
23 March 2006 18:41
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
24 March 2006 06:16
24 March 2006 18:39

L9bi7 !! Brazil !! I am just wondring is it nacked women you are after or the sun!?!?grinning smiley
cause I dont believe they have Mosqué in Rio ..grinning smiley
25 March 2006 00:57
A very difficult question. I think in the south of Spain.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/28/2006 04:59 by Krim.
25 March 2006 02:49
New Zeland.
About to finalize my immigration.
After Canada, there can be any other better country....except the Kiwis, of course.
Sorry, it's my choice smiling smiley
25 March 2006 07:16

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/2006 07:27 by Jallaal.
25 March 2006 17:20
25 March 2006 18:51
Snorkling/Cheap Golf/Great exotic beaches/ Great people...
25 March 2006 19:23
hi there,
i think canada is a good place to live in. it's the suitable country where one can continue his/her studies. it's also one of the countries which select mostly intellectual peaolpe to live there.
however, i don't think i can live in another country but morocco.
27 March 2006 07:30
Malaisya won´t take idiots

they said that's why they refused to give you visa grinning smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/27/2006 07:30 by Moroccan_sherif.
27 March 2006 09:18
A very difficult question. I think in the south of Spain.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/28/2006 04:58 by Krim.
27 March 2006 16:06
I think that England is among the best countries that i prefer to live in
28 March 2006 02:53
Boston , massachussets spirit of america .
28 March 2006 14:29
Hi all,

I was born and raised in Europe, but decided to 'return' to Morocco 2 years ago.
My favourite country to live is Japan, i have been there twice and all i can say is...wauwww.

Anyway, for the last two years in Morocco i have adapted myself into having all the conversations in French. I am a little bit fed-up with it and was woundering whether the would be people (guys, girls) who are currently living in Morocco or will be there the next month(s) to just have an English talk and drink.

I am 32 an a male.

Thanks for this oppertunity and i am happy to be part of this English orientated forum ( iam new)
28 March 2006 21:51
how is live in morocco for in that 2 years,will you still stay in morocco or will you decided to leave the country
29 March 2006 01:27
A country where I can live peacefully
where I can have the career of my choice
where I am respected as a person
where my kids can go to a good school
where my vote is counted
where my children will have a better future
... (I have a long list) need to go on the nos...(the list is long as well)

I am still looking for it though I am sure never to find it!

I beleive the best country to live in is the one we make for ourselves and our children
29 March 2006 01:31
how is live in morocco for in that 2 years,will you still stay in morocco or will you decided to leave the country

I'd ask the same do you find Morocco?in which city have you spent the 2 years?
29 March 2006 08:42
really tough question,,,
I was born and raised in moroccom, I've been in texas for about 8 years . i don't really like or dislike it but i would really love to live either in hawaii or san diego,california :0
that's my first time replying to a message . It's really cool that everybody is keeping in touch through that forum . if anybody lives in dallas haller at me ..
29 March 2006 10:58

I have spent my time in Morocco, mostly living in the area of Casa, this to start up the business and to get all the paperwork done.
As I have already some experience with moving to an other country (I lived in Europe, but studied in US, UCLA), I knew its gonna take some time to adapt, private-wise and social-economic wise.

Up till now I find Morocco very fascinating and I do not understand why people live their lives in small 'boxes' (with all do respect!!!!) all over the world, while the really big business and good social life is to be lived in Morocco!

Just take a look at Morocco 10 years ago and now, do the same with every Western Country in the world and you will see that statisticly Morocco has the best possibilities for yourself and your children to live in the coming 50 years.
Anyway, I do miss Europe from time to time....
29 March 2006 11:23
true that ,,
but the things is, I'm not saying i don't love morocco but sometimes It's just frusrating. morocco is one the best countries to live in but they got to do something about legilations. it's riddicullous the way evrything is corrupted. i don't know i might be right or wrong.
bottom line, life is about seeking happiness. the reson why i picked san diego is coz weather is the same +++ the beach .
29 March 2006 14:33
Ok, I agree that Morocco is a very good place to do business and a paradise for businessmen and for rich people. But, then what about the poors there, or even the middle class? what about persons who don't want to make or be involved in business? Moreover, Casablanca/Rabat is not all representative of Morocco...I think that you are very lucky and choosed the right place to start your business, which is very good. Though, I am sure if you've tried the experience in other parts of Morocco, it would not have been the same


I have spent my time in Morocco, mostly living in the area of Casa, this to start up the business and to get all the paperwork done.
As I have already some experience with moving to an other country (I lived in Europe, but studied in US, UCLA), I knew its gonna take some time to adapt, private-wise and social-economic wise.

Up till now I find Morocco very fascinating and I do not understand why people live their lives in small 'boxes' (with all do respect!!!!) all over the world, while the really big business and good social life is to be lived in Morocco!

Just take a look at Morocco 10 years ago and now, do the same with every Western Country in the world and you will see that statisticly Morocco has the best possibilities for yourself and your children to live in the coming 50 years.
Anyway, I do miss Europe from time to time....
29 March 2006 15:56
I think your remarks do make a lot of sense, but I wanted to show the sunny side.
It's quite easy to show the negative aspects of Morocco; Steve Wonder could see that Morocco is far away from being a idealistic country to live in.
But then, which country is?
30 March 2006 05:07
guys , cut it out. Nobody is talking bad about morocco here.
I guess anybody who still lives abroad comes backa and visit morocco. if ot doesn't say anything it at least shows that you love morocco or you won't go there would U ??
but when it comes to living your life and building a comfort zone where u in peace with your and u do feel appreciated i just dont c it happen in morocco . no offence , i just feel that Morocco os that big huge resort where everybody goes to hang out and tan at the beach.
that's only my personal opinion and then gain isin't our differences that makes our individuality ??
31 March 2006 14:39
I agree with you laserist that the objective here is not to talk bad about Morocco. To live or not live in Morocco has more to do with feelings, as you said, to feel appreciated, to feel in peace, to feel good indeed. Someone who feels good in his country, would never think to leave it.

However, I don't see Morocco as a resort. I see it as a rich country with a lot of potentialities, especially human resources not being valorised at all. I see people working hard without achieving their goals and so many frustrated men and women. Youy wonder why do the ones who live abroad come back and visit Morocco, I ask you why do the ones who live in Morocco, leave it and go abroad?

I personally used to visit Morocco to see if things change and in which direction. Now, I just go to see my family and, if possible in winter, because I prefer to spend my summer here. Last time, I really enjoyed staying at home. Home in Morocco is the best!
1 April 2006 13:12
I think the place doesn't matter! A country is made of its people! and life is much fun around people that make it such ...

My favorite proverb says :

"Some people make our world so special just by being in it".


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/03/2006 12:57 by Sharing.
4 April 2006 01:11
The Democratic Republic of Congo of Joseph-Désiré Kabila is the best place to live in.

In second position, we find Gabon and el Haj Omar Bongo.

Finally, is Brunei in third position with le Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah ben Hamada Ben Aissa Al Khalifa
8 April 2006 21:56
Which country you prefer to live in??

Apart From Morocco and the country you residing in the current time.

Which else country (only one) you see that is the best to live in and why?

what makes you believe that life there is the best?

I'd say Norway

That's a very nice country, and norwegian people are for the most part open-minded and friendly

last but not least, it scores the world highest human developement index

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2006 09:58 by Bnou Batouta.
11 April 2006 13:09
Egypt, a little city called Dahab in Sinai, in front of Saudi Arabia.
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