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Woman have a hard life in Dakhilia
21 April 2007 18:21
This a Dutch docu about article 33 and the life of woman in Dakilia


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2007 06:23 by Mister1979.
21 April 2007 18:23
22 April 2007 21:13
Why are you talking just about woman from dakhilia? I watched the video and half of it is also about woman who speaks Riffi or Soesi. Where ever you go, women are having hard time to live. Stop just pointing the attention at women from dakhilia.

22 April 2007 21:15
i watched the docu an there are no woman s from the rif sorry my brother.
22 April 2007 21:18
Soesi then? I can't understand the language they talking, and I'm good enough to understand the Moroccan language. What language do they speak then? Thx.
22 April 2007 23:11
Does it matter what language they speak??? they are MOROCCANS that's all that matters. and it is sad to see them living in such harsh conditions.
PS: the first part of the docu. those women speak moroccan dialect and i guess everyone can understand what they say if you cant understand what berber women are saying just look at the conditions they are living on you will perfectly understand what they are talking about.
23 April 2007 09:40
@Fabaraw: I understand the circumstances very well, so let's change the title from "Women have a hard live in Dakhilia" to "Women have a hard life in Morocco".

26 April 2007 15:44
I noticed that early in the video, the Women interviewed speak better arabic ( moroccan) than the reporter herself!

I second the view that these are hard conditions for the Moroccan Women, but I've seen similar cases if not worse in Latin america and North america as well!!!
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