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Working in the UK
10 October 2008 11:31
Salam alikom everyone,

I am a French student and currently looking for a 6 week work placement in the UK starting in April 2009. We were told that with the economic crisis it would be really hard to find any placement, and my teacher added that for me it would be even harder because I am Moroccan. My nationality is French but of course I am also Moroccan and more precisly I look Moroccan. She told me that even if I was one of the best students of this year (I'm studying for a bachelor's degree) my looks and origin will probably prevail on anything else. I was hoping to find a work placement in London but I am really discouraged...
I would like to have your opinions on what I just said and maybe tell me about your experience, if you faced any kind of rascism etc.
I thought of finding a placement in a Moroccan company but the thing is I only speak darija, do you think it would still be ok?
10 October 2008 13:15
ptdrptdr ptdr Your post is really funny. Just remember you are Moroccan and also have French nationality not the other way around.
In the UK Moroccans are looked at as terrorists, they spit, hit, and insult us when ever they see us. We are not allowed into shops without policemen, in buses we stand all the time never sit, we don’t even walk on the pavement among the rest of British people. We only beg our daily food placement and you are talking about placement. It is a horrible place to be. I you have to come here make sure you change the colour of your hair and the tone of your accent definitely. Otherwise its your funeral.
Should you know of any job in Fransh; I would love to go and practice my Fresh.
tongue sticking out smileygrinning smiley
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
10 October 2008 13:57
Ok let's say I've maybe dramatized the situation but i'm just reporting what my teacher told me, I hadn't think of my origin as a problem before she suggested it, she looked quite concerned and even told me that in Ireland i wouldn't find anything.
10 October 2008 15:49
hahaha come on who ever you are mrrr add dont scare him and any way whose that sick teacher she talks like she knows uk very well tell her to piss off man come and try your chances its that simple .hahahaha
12 October 2008 21:25
The US is better for you and there is a large Moroccan community. Even it is better in South Africa or Australia they speak good English.Danse
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
14 October 2008 12:16
ptdrptdr ptdr Your post is really funny. Just remember you are Moroccan and also have French nationality not the other way around.
In the UK Moroccans are looked at as terrorists, they spit, hit, and insult us when ever they see us. We are not allowed into shops without policemen, in buses we stand all the time never sit, we don’t even walk on the pavement among the rest of British people. We only beg our daily food placement and you are talking about placement. It is a horrible place to be. I you have to come here make sure you change the colour of your hair and the tone of your accent definitely. Otherwise its your funeral.
Should you know of any job in Fransh; I would love to go and practice my Fresh.
tongue sticking out smileygrinning smiley

What a pile of utter bullshit.

The Uk is one of the most advanced country in Europe in terms of protection against racism, be it in the workplace or in every day life.

There is no country like the UK to offer a chance to anyone willing to take it. do not listen to this kind of pathetic guy: go, study, and work hard and success is inevitable.
14 October 2008 14:13
Yes its advanced in arms and racism. What work place? what life Fance is much better for you too.spinning smiley sticking its tongue out
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
14 October 2008 14:26
Yes its advanced in arms and racism. What work place? what life Fance is much better for you too.spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

You english is so bad I doubt you ever set foot in the UK. Or may be you did not succeed education wise and you are fighting in the gutter like all others, whites included.

You seem the kind of person that do not take responsability for its own failures and expect the state to provide for him. Exactely like the guys that live on the fringes, in ghettoes and point the finger at others saying it is their fault: "they are racist!"

14 October 2008 16:13
I am Moroccan not English. Try and not to turn your messages to be insults or attacks on others. I urge you to read the third message “Charte à respecter” on this forum written by the Webmaster. We can still have a laugh.
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
14 October 2008 22:02
Yes its advanced in arms and racism. What work place? what life Fance is much better for you too.spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

You english is so bad I doubt you ever set foot in the UK. Or may be you did not succeed education wise and you are fighting in the gutter like all others, whites included.

You seem the kind of person that do not take responsability for its own failures and expect the state to provide for him. Exactely like the guys that live on the fringes, in ghettoes and point the finger at others saying it is their fault: "they are racist!"

Adds is just kidding and having a bit of laughptdr.Moroccan are known to have a bit of 'takshiba'. Mind you in UK racism is hidden unlike France, when if they don't like you they tell you in your face. Personally I prefer the latter.Anyway, the teacher probably is in love with El-Sam and doesn't want him to go winking smiley
15 October 2008 14:45
I am Moroccan not English. Try and not to turn your messages to be insults or attacks on others. I urge you to read the third message “Charte à respecter” on this forum written by the Webmaster. We can still have a laugh.

Unless I am mistaken sir, the message I replied to is insulting, racist and narrow minded. If you are a moderator here, I would have expected you to be more pro active in removing the message in question. In fact and considering message are veted before being posted, the moderator that allowed it is himself at fault.

finally and to close this matter, I do not feel I have insulted that person directly. If you are not english then may be you command of the english language had led you to be believe I was insulting. This is not the case, I was dismissive, even condescendant, but not insulting.
18 October 2008 12:58
I think your teacher is bullshitting you , in England the colour of your skin or your origins won t have no importance the main thing is your hard work and your talents
England is not racist like the other european countries it s known for it s soft touch unfortunatly
what changed in england is they became more strict regarding security and i think thats their rights , they are entitled to protect their citizens , i don t blame them when you grant asylum to refugees from arab muslim countries , give them a house an excellent medical care and a future for their children in return they put bombs in trains and kill chilren and old people
blame the beardies , the terrorists for gfiven muslims a bad reputation not England
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