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Working in Dubai
7 October 2008 11:26

Does anyone have any ideas about wages in Dubai, costs and general work conditions ? what is in your opinion a decent salary for a consultant ?

i know that accomodation and high prices are a real problem.. does anyone have any field knowledge ?


"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
7 October 2008 16:33
Hi Hisham_A

It all depends. What sort of area(s) your consultancy is? Also, it all depends which country you are applying from? I have a Nephew / work office located there so I can always ask for you.
7 October 2008 23:37
Thanks happybrain,

i have some general information from friends working there and everybody say it is horribly expensive, especially accomodation, but need more details...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
8 October 2008 10:49

My brother in law is a sales man he just being offered a job there from what he told his sister he was offered a fantastic package.
Because of the "English taboo", he never discuss saleries with me or anything conserning his wealth, however if you wish I can always ask her to ask him.

Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
8 October 2008 14:06
Dubai is a tax free heaven , a lot of jobs offer accomodation as well, i lived in Dubai 2 years and in europe , i can guarantee to you that Dubai is much much better, fantastic place to live in , and to make a fortune , i am not sure which field you are specialised in but if you browse on the net ther are plenty job agencies you have to pay a fee for their services and they will be able to give you more information
my advise look for a job which offers accomodation as part of the package
8 October 2008 16:16
Thanks Adds and whatsup,

actually it is about an job opportunity, and i am collecting as much information as possible to be able to negotiate good terms, after passing some interviews and tests off course, i have a close friend working in dubai and living in charQa, he told me that accommodation is very expensive and that he paid about 20 thousand € for a one year rent, all beforehand, in addition to daily commuting to and forth, that is why accommodation is a key factor,

i was just starting enjoying the sun flblad when this mail came from nowhere, thanks anyway...
"The true traveller is without goal, it is the absence of goals which creates the ultimate traveller."Gao Xingjian 'Soul Mountain'
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