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world economic crisis and my small business
27 October 2008 05:11
Hi All,

I am running a small business especially importing items from overseas.
before the crisis just few weeks ago 1US$ was between DH 7.50 and DH 7.80 now it goes up till DH 8.60 which makes my bills looks fat. the market now is unstable and my clients won't agree for any cost rise on my behalf as this will affect their clients as well.
my question is: is this going to last for a long period?
Is US$ going to fall down to its initial rates, i mean bellow DH 7.80?

many thanks
27 October 2008 15:31
While US and UK are still conducting the musical scenes in Iraq and Afghanistan and wasting tax payers money on arms; I am afraid the rest everyone has to bear the consequences. Allah yahefad ou safi
Adds adds jazz but never subtract music
27 October 2008 16:52
The high dollar price is only temporary. I wil not guarantee anything, but the current prices reflects the the force selling of foreign equites. Many American hedgde funds, banks, etc. are selling their foreign equites wich increases the value of the US $. That combined with speculaton in rising US $ is the main reasons for high value og the US$. If we look at the fundamantales the US $ should not be this high becuse of the astronomic foreing debt and the low FED interest rate.
My estimates is therefor that the price of US $ will fall in the near future. This high level can not be sustained.
But take your measures and do not depend on either falling or rising US$
29 October 2008 12:55

Thank you Kutchia.

that's what i read yesterday in a biz magazine. i do feel relieved a bit.

thanks again
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