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In worst case drink tee...
29 August 2006 10:45
29 August 2006 15:15
Hi Krim,

The most conservative and delusional part of Israel are the diaspora. Their views of the problems on the ground are simplistic and twisted. You take the AIPAC and the other corporate lobbys off the equation and the middle east issue might have a better chance. Guess which diaspora is following that same path and is going to be a serious pain in the butt for us in the near future ?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/29/2006 03:15 by chelhman.
29 August 2006 15:47
Les bbbbbbbaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus
29 August 2006 16:04
No Krim, I was refering to the MREs who are seriously showing themselves to be more conservative than their counterparts in the homeland. And since sooner or later, they'll have the right to vote, they'll undoubtedly become a serious lobby in the political arena back home. We already discussed that briefly here a few months ago.

P.S : Are you calling me "monomaniacal" in your response ?
29 August 2006 16:12
HI Guys;

I do like coffee! my Brazilian friend, a coffee farmer, sends me the best Coffee Arabica there issmiling smiley
But Tea is much better for my diet! Seriously, marketing strategies have lost every shred of honesty and humanism! CEOs and the like are profit driven and the worst case is when that thirst for profit takes them up to such vision, then it becomes Blind hatred and fanticism.

Earth is in jeopardy, people! Every one wants to claim it as theirs!No wonder Planet Pluto disapeared!Too much heat on earth!
29 August 2006 16:57
Oho ssi Chelhmann Hachaa-
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