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How would you understand this...
28 September 2009 18:27
Hi there,

Hope you're doing well.

Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a passer-by...

How would you understand this?

Thanks for your participation.

Have a nice evening.

Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
28 September 2009 18:32
It's a Hadith from Ibn 'Umar, isn't?
28 September 2009 18:45
Hi (You will never change...)

Yes, it is...

I really love it and it caught my attention...Full of wisdom...
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
28 September 2009 18:52
Et on pourrait savoir pourquoi vous nous le faites en anglais? eye rolling smiley
Et le pire des ignorants est celui qui ignore qu'il est ignorant.
28 September 2009 19:00
Don't try to change me...

It's not a hadith from the Prophète Muhammad (PBUH) but an "athar" from Ibn 'Umar.
In arabic, it's more beautifull : "Kun fi haadhihi ad-dunya kaannaka gharibin aw 'aabiri sabiil".

Oh Litte'Sem, my best friend, how are you...Is your English still worst than you french? tongue sticking out smiley

C'est bon, j'ai épuisé tout mon vocabulaire en anglais.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2009 07:02 by L'homme Etrange.
28 September 2009 19:08

Didn't you notice that we were in the English part?

Let me have your opinion on the issue...

Et on pourrait savoir pourquoi vous nous le faites en anglais? eye rolling smiley
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
28 September 2009 19:11
Believe me...I'm not trying to change you...I have other priorities...

L'homme Etrange
Don't try to change me...

It's not a hadith from the Prophète Muhammad (PBUH) but an "athar" from Ibn 'Umar.
In arabic, it's more beautifull : "Kun fi haadhihi ad-dunya kaannaka gharibin aw 'aabiri sabiil".

Oh Litte'Sem, my best friend, how are you...Is your English still worst than you french? tongue sticking out smiley

C'est bon, j'ai épuisé tout mon vocabulaire en anglais.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
28 September 2009 19:19
hi sweetlatifa smiling smiley

I think that it 's a good philosophy and a way to be always happy in you life.

L'homme Etrange
Oh Litte'Sem, my best friend, how are you...Is your English still worst than you french? tongue sticking out smiley

y're so funny eye rolling smiley

I 'm going to tell you a secret smiling smiley
Do you know why I write so bad in french?

smiling smiley

smiling smiley

To destroy you eyes evilGrrrr

and because I love do the contrary of you Angel

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/28/2009 07:22 by Pti'Sem.
Et le pire des ignorants est celui qui ignore qu'il est ignorant.
28 September 2009 21:03

I think the meaning is deeper...

You have to work for the Hereafter and you'd better have in your mind that travelers have aims to achieve, a point to get to,and sometimes we just hang around without reaching any destination...

Life is just a footbridge and we do have to cross it...
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
29 September 2009 08:24

the real life is thereafter. we are just crossing a bridge from an ending life to an eternal one.
i really like the following Hadith: (make your living as if your life is everlasting and work for thereafter as if you will be dying tomorrow)
full of wisdom
29 September 2009 18:28

I do share your opinion but how would you change your general behaviour to achieve this?

It's so hard to forget about your present life...To be honest, I'm working on this but it's not that easy...

May Allah (swt) help us to focus on the real values of this world...

Have a nice evening!

Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
29 September 2009 18:37
There is another beautiful Hadith..."Ma ly wa li ad-dunya..." One of my favorite.
29 September 2009 18:44
Your new signature...

What does it mean??

Ok, let me have a try...

It means:

Ma ly: What's going on with me?

Wa li: I don't know...

Ad-dunya: World...

I'm lost, help me..........PLease........

L'homme Etrange
There is another beautiful Hadith..."Ma ly wa li ad-dunya..." One of my favorite.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
29 September 2009 20:56
Ma ly wa li ad-dunya? Ma ana fi ad-dunya illa karaakibin istaDHalla tahta shajaratin thumma raaha wa tarakaha.
29 September 2009 21:23
Are you making fun of meGrrrr?

Stop playing and tell me about the meaning...Please Strange Man...

Do I have to beg you?
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
30 September 2009 00:19
sweetlatifaaaaaaaaaaa c'est une torture pour moigrinning smiley

Thank's nevertheless,excuse me but i can't explain you this sentence because you know that i'm a crap in englishgrinning smiley excuse me for this word that isn't elegant...
30 September 2009 20:15

You can do it!

You will improve only if you practice...No need to have any fears...Do not expect everything at once...
Read as much as you can, that's way, you will become familiar with the English Language...

I do believe in the possibility of developing fluency in English by reading, listening and a bit of writing.

You are all forgivensmiling smiley

Just have a try!!!

I am waiting for your comments...

Kindest regards.


sweetlatifaaaaaaaaaaa c'est une torture pour moigrinning smiley

Thank's nevertheless,excuse me but i can't explain you this sentence because you know that i'm a crap in englishgrinning smiley excuse me for this word that isn't elegant...
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
1 October 2009 12:21
Hi there,

Hope you're doing well.

Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a passer-by...

How would you understand this?

Thanks for your participation.

Have a nice evening.


genius and gifted people don t believe in this statment : when they are in this world they make sure they will never be forgotten, their name and their work will be repeated again and again
the guy who invented penicillin for exemple he wasn t a passer by but a contributor to humanity how many times around the the world his name is mentioned every time a patient have a penicillin injection
i prefer this :
be in this world and make sure you are not just passer by , a stranger, a watcher or an outsider but a contributor , a participant , in humanity progressBye

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2009 12:24 by faisal28.
1 October 2009 16:27
Hi there,

Hope you're doing well.

Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a passer-by...

How would you understand this?

Thanks for your participation.

Have a nice evening.


genius and gifted people don t believe in this statment : when they are in this world they make sure they will never be forgotten, their name and their work will be repeated again and again
the guy who invented penicillin for exemple he wasn t a passer by but a contributor to humanity how many times around the the world his name is mentioned every time a patient have a penicillin injection
i prefer this :
be in this world and make sure you are not just passer by , a stranger, a watcher or an outsider but a contributor , a participant , in humanity progressBye

i guess the meaning of the statement is the following:
we should think about hereafter as much as we care about this life.
yes we need to invent or do something here to mark our name and also we should work for hereafter by correcting our mistakes, doing good deeds, helping people in need and contributing to social life.....
1 October 2009 19:16

Yes, I do agree with you...

"Be a stranger" does not mean "be passive"...

You just have ton consider that life on earth is nor everlasting...We are just travelers in search of our luggage to take with us in the Hereafter, God (swt) willing...

The luggage: good deeds, good behaviour,values...

Participation into different social activities to make this world a better place for the next travelers...

Have a nice evening,


Hi there,

Hope you're doing well.

Be in this world as if you were a stranger or a passer-by...

How would you understand this?

Thanks for your participation.

Have a nice evening.


genius and gifted people don t believe in this statment : when they are in this world they make sure they will never be forgotten, their name and their work will be repeated again and again
the guy who invented penicillin for exemple he wasn t a passer by but a contributor to humanity how many times around the the world his name is mentioned every time a patient have a penicillin injection
i prefer this :
be in this world and make sure you are not just passer by , a stranger, a watcher or an outsider but a contributor , a participant , in humanity progressBye

i guess the meaning of the statement is the following:
we should think about hereafter as much as we care about this life.
yes we need to invent or do something here to mark our name and also we should work for hereafter by correcting our mistakes, doing good deeds, helping people in need and contributing to social life.....
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
1 October 2009 19:26
Ibn Mas`ûd rapporte que le Messager de Dieu saws dormit sur une natte faite de roseaux si bien que ces flancs en portaient les marques lorsqu’il se réveilla.
Il dit :

« OMessager d’Allah ! Tu aurais dû nous demander d’étendre quelque chose de plus doux sur cette natte pour toi. »
Le Prophète répondit :
« Qu’ai-je à faire de ce bas-monde ? Je suis dans ce monde tel un cavalier qui se repose un moment à l’ombre d’un arbre, puis qui se lève et s’en va. »

Thank you StrangeMan.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2009 07:26 by L'homme Etrange.
1 October 2009 20:37

Do you have it in arabic....(please Strange Man...)? Ok, I have in arabic...

Ma ly wa li ad-dunya? Ma ana fi ad-dunya illa karaakibin istaDHalla tahta shajaratin thumma raaha wa tarakaha.

Do you think there are still people capable of behaving that way?

I admire his philosophy of life and would love to have the same Inshallah!

But we are so blinded by this dounia...

Thanks, you see, if you really want to, you can be cooperative...spinning smiley sticking its tongue out

L'homme Etrange
Ibn Mas`ûd rapporte que le Messager de Dieu saws dormit sur une natte faite de roseaux si bien que ces flancs en portaient les marques lorsqu’il se réveilla.
Il dit :

« OMessager d’Allah ! Tu aurais dû nous demander d’étendre quelque chose de plus doux sur cette natte pour toi. »
Le Prophète répondit :
« Qu’ai-je à faire de ce bas-monde ? Je suis dans ce monde tel un cavalier qui se repose un moment à l’ombre d’un arbre, puis qui se lève et s’en va. »

Thank you StrangeMan.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
1 October 2009 21:47

Thank's sweety

I know that if you pratice i would can speak and understand english language.

But i need too time.

Excuse me if my handwritting is bad but i can't lol

There are sentences which i don't understand can you translate me ?

For example this sentence==>Do not expect everything at once

======================================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>>>>>>Sweet kisssmiling smiley

N.B: if you find mistakes you can correct me


You can do it!

You will improve only if you practice...No need to have any fears...Do not expect everything at once...
Read as much as you can, that's way, you will become familiar with the English Language...

I do believe in the possibility of developing fluency in English by reading, listening and a bit of writing.

You are all forgivensmiling smiley

Just have a try!!!

I am waiting for your comments...

Kindest regards.


sweetlatifaaaaaaaaaaa c'est une torture pour moigrinning smiley

Thank's nevertheless,excuse me but i can't explain you this sentence because you know that i'm a crap in englishgrinning smiley excuse me for this word that isn't elegant...
1 October 2009 22:34

Thank's sweety Thanks

I know that if you pratice i would can speak and understand english language, you will be able to speak and understand the Engligh language.

But i need too time.I need a lot of time to study this.

Excuse me if my handwritting is bad but i can't lol If my handwriting is bad...But I am just learning...

There are sentences which i don't understand can you translate me ? Can you translate the following bold (en gras)

For example this sentence==>Do not expect everything at once = Ne t'attends pas à tout avoir de suite (réussir)...

======================================>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>&g t;>>>>>>>>>>>>Sweet kisssmiling smiley

N.B: if you find mistakes you can correct me


You can do it!

You will improve only if you practice...No need to have any fears...Do not expect everything at once...
Read as much as you can, that's way, you will become familiar with the English Language...

I do believe in the possibility of developing fluency in English by reading, listening and a bit of writing.

You are all forgivensmiling smiley

Just have a try!!!

I am waiting for your comments...

Kindest regards.


sweetlatifaaaaaaaaaaa c'est une torture pour moigrinning smiley

Thank's nevertheless,excuse me but i can't explain you this sentence because you know that i'm a crap in englishgrinning smiley excuse me for this word that isn't elegant...
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
1 October 2009 22:37
tcha9liba, you're not that bad! Sure, you need to work on some points but your level, as a whole, is pretty good!



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/01/2009 10:40 by Sweetlatifa.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
1 October 2009 22:38
Thank you very much latifa,

It's so kindyawning smiley
1 October 2009 22:41
No i'm really bad above all when I speakptdr

You don't know me it's for itOups
1 October 2009 23:08
You're welcomesmiling smiley

Go on intervening here and you'll improve yourself...Count on me...!

I would love to hear you speaking English...
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
1 October 2009 23:42
Inchallah but I am shyyyyy above all in englishconfused smiley

There isn't problem for me,it's when you want !
2 October 2009 00:53
L'homme Etrange
Ibn Mas`ûd rapporte que le Messager de Dieu saws dormit sur une natte faite de roseaux si bien que ces flancs en portaient les marques lorsqu’il se réveilla.
Il dit :

« OMessager d’Allah ! Tu aurais dû nous demander d’étendre quelque chose de plus doux sur cette natte pour toi. »
Le Prophète répondit :
« Qu’ai-je à faire de ce bas-monde ? Je suis dans ce monde tel un cavalier qui se repose un moment à l’ombre d’un arbre, puis qui se lève et s’en va. »

Thank you StrangeMan.

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You will find that's a Hadith
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