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How would you understand this...
2 October 2009 17:48
L'homme Etrange
Ibn Mas`ûd rapporte que le Messager de Dieu saws dormit sur une natte faite de roseaux si bien que ces flancs en portaient les marques lorsqu’il se réveilla.
Il dit :

« OMessager d’Allah ! Tu aurais dû nous demander d’étendre quelque chose de plus doux sur cette natte pour toi. »
Le Prophète répondit :
« Qu’ai-je à faire de ce bas-monde ? Je suis dans ce monde tel un cavalier qui se repose un moment à l’ombre d’un arbre, puis qui se lève et s’en va. »

Thank you StrangeMan.

Read this topic ---> []

You will find that's a Hadith

I know it's a hadith. Thanks...I was talking about the first hadith "kun fi hadhihi al-dunya..."

As for your text about Abu Zhar, please see my answer []
3 October 2009 20:22
Hi everyone,

I love this one too:

And 'Alee radiAllaahu anhu said :

"The Dunyaa has set out from the rear, while the Aakhirah has set out from the front, and for each of them are its sons : so be from amongst the sons of the Aakhirah, and do not be from amongst the sons of the Dunyaa. For verily, today is the time for deeds without any accounting, while tomorrow is the time for accounting without any deeds."

The part in bold gave me the shivers...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/03/2009 08:23 by Sweetlatifa.
Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
6 October 2009 15:02
6 October 2009 19:22

Hope you're doing well.

What else?

Elegance is an attitude[i]Thank you, my dear friends, for all your sweet messages, I love you too...[/i]
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