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your feed back about my site
7 February 2006 20:47
salam all
i just started this site where the country of origin matters is about a specific product/service made by a specific country it is directory . for all yabiladi membres if you have a site where the origin of your product matters contact me and will add your site,also i nedd your honset opinion
shoukra jazilla
8 February 2006 14:37
salam all
i am still wating your critics about i hope i am not in the wrong forums

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/08/2006 02:40 by nassim9999.
8 February 2006 16:39
Good job nassimwinking smiley
Usually, terrible things that are done with the excuse that progress requires them are not really progress at all, but just terrible things. Russell Baker
8 February 2006 17:37
Cool , nicely done
10 February 2006 18:57
hi Nassim

Very nice side and the idea behinde it too.

what I see can change is:

It take litle over 23 sec to upload the site. kill some flash the one you have in the header is fantastic. not more than 2 flash app. try to see the size of the pictures

I like the menu line and nice colour too, but in you your footer is hard to read the text, use the same colour as you did in the menu line.

replace home, about, in the footer with privacy and term cause you have them already in the menu line in the top, you dont need to repeat them.

ops!! last thing..the yeargrinning smiley is 2006 not 2005. I will Pm you a code that will change the date automatic every year.

try to change the background colour, from white to a darker coulor that will bring the site up specially the header. try the coulor like country bouton.
10 February 2006 22:10
hi Aziz
thank you for your feed back i will do the change especially the date the rest i will talk to my programmer
7 March 2006 16:47
Hi Nassim,

Nicely done bro! winking smiley

As a Communication & Multimedia Designer I like what you did a lot.

Some things to considerate changing:

- The background color is white, try to use a light grey color. By that the site would be more eye catching.

- In the Usability engineering is the fact of having two menu's a real shame for your site. The menu at the top is more then enough and is readable then the one at the bottom (footer).

- If you want to keep the bottom menu, please use the same fonts and same design as the top menu. Your design should always be the same.

- Try to find a way to order the banners in your site. By now they seem to be a part of your site.

- I can see your host is supporting PHP. So in your contact use a form instead of a link. Not many people are using Outlook or Outlook express as their default mail program. So they have to copy the address and paste it in hotmail or any other email host. It's too much work for them and I know by testing that most people like to get it the easiest way. If your programmer can't do it, contact me and I will send you a script in PHP you can use for all your contacts.

- The picture at the top, I presume it's your logo? The text there is hard to read. Try different fonts.

Keep up the good work.

7 March 2006 21:01
hi hitman

i just want to thank you for your feed back and i will make some change - the background-the font- as for the logo i think is too late to change it cause is our trademark but again....
9 March 2006 12:18
hi hitman
what you mean by :Try to find a way to order the banners in your site. By now they seem to be a part of your site:
can you explain that please
thank you
10 March 2006 12:28
Hi Nassim,

The way you put the banners in your site, people think they are links to products on your site. That's what I meant by "They seem part of your site".

winking smiley

good luck.

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