Settled in Morocco for more than 6 years, retired British lawyer Sue Machin has rescued more than 50 donkeys, hosting them in a shelter she has set up in the Marrakech region. Her story begins with the adoption of Tommy, the first donkey from Marrakech. She welcomed the animal on her property in the village of Oumnass, about 25 km away from Marrakech. Gradually «the family» got bigger: «Tommy was horribly hard to handle, and a friend recommended that we bring him a female
L'encours de la dette extérieure publique a atteint près de 332,35 milliards de dirhams (MMDH) en 2017, contre 312,46 MMDH en 2016, selon la Direction du Trésor et des Finances extérieures (DTFE), relevant du ministère de l'Economie et des Finances. La dette extérieure publique représente ainsi 31% du PIB en 2017, contre 30,8% une année auparavant, précise la DTFE qui vient de publier son bulletin statistique de la dette
Le Maroc participe, en tant qu'invité d'honneur, au Salon international du livre de Québec (SILQ) 2018 qui se tient du 11 au 15 avril, indique un communiqué du ministère de la Culture et de la Communication. Au total seront exposés plus de 2.000 titres édités par diverses sources, dont 9 maisons d’édition (Afrique Orient, Attaouhidi, Bouregreg, Chaaraoui, En toutes lettres, la Croisée des Chemins, les Frères
Le service préfectoral de la police judiciaire de Rabat a procédé, vendredi soir, à l’arrestation d’un individu de 50 ans soupçonné d’avoir agressé son ex-épouse à l’aide d’une arme blanche entraînant sa mort. Selon les premiers éléments de l’enquête, le prévenu a exposé la victime, une belge d’origine marocaine, à une agression physique par
L’Argentine veut conclure un accord de libre échange avec le Maroc pour renforcer les relations commerciales entre les deux pays, a affirmé vendredi à Rabat le ministre argentin des Affaires étrangères, Jorge Faurie. A l’issue d’une entrevue avec la secrétaire d’Etat chargée de la Pêche maritime, Mbarka Bouaida, le responsable argentin a mis en avant les potentialités très importantes du Maroc
Argentina wants to conclude a free trade agreement with Morocco to strengthen trade relations between the two countries, Argentina's Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie said on Friday in Rabat. In a statement to MAP following a meeting with Secretary of State for Fisheries Mbarka Bouaida, the Argentinean official highlighted Morocco's important potential in the field of fisheries, stressing the need to reinforce cooperation in this sector. Hailing bilateral relations between Morocco and Argentina,
French-Moroccan photojournalist Seif Kousmate «is not a journalist, he has not entered with this title and he has no proof he is one», said Mohamed Lemine Ould Cheikh, spokesman for the Mauritanian government in a press conference held Thursday. In addition to that, the person in charge stressed that the journalist «did not have an authorization» to conduct an investigation on the Mauritanian soil. According to him, Kousmat «entered the country as a tourist, then
L’enquête en cours menée par le Bureau central d’investigations judiciaires (BCIJ) au sujet de la cellule terroriste démantelée jeudi et composée de 8 individus dans les villes d’Oued Zem et de Tanger, a permis d’arrêter ce vendredi à Oued Zem un autre élément soupçonné pour son implication dans les plans de cette cellule. Selon les éléments de l’enquête, le
A Moroccan national was kept home and beaten almost daily by her husband for eight years, reveals the Italian newspaper La Repubblica. The 35-year-old victim, living in her home in Rimini (north), was banned from going out and increasingly watched by her husband. Three cameras had actually been installed by her husband, a 51-year-old Italian citizen, to keep an eye on her reported the Carabinieri. The husband was not arrested but instead obliged to see a doctor and stay away from his
A «dangerous liar», is how the British media call Umar Ahmed Haque, a 25-year-old Muslim teacher who has attempted to create an «army of children». He has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 25 years, reports the BBC on Tuesday. The accused used guns and car bombs with the objective of targeting about thirty sites in the UK, including the Big Ben. He was also planning to attack the Royal Guard, public transportation means, Shia Muslims, Westfield shopping