Maroc Telecom announced on Wednesday the end of preventive maintenance works on its Atlas Offshore submarine cable, connecting Asilah to Marseille. The works, carried out by a specialized vessel, were marked by the unfavorable weather conditions at the level of the strait, explained the telephone operator in a press release, noting that its maritime infrastructure is fully available, operational and secure. Driven by the continuous desire to provide quality service to its customers, Maroc
Une anthologie sur l’art des Rrways, considéré comme un pilier de l’identité amazighe et une composante de l’identité plurielle du Maroc a reçu, mercredi au Musée des Confluences à Lyon, le Prix coups de cœur musiques du monde de l’Académie Charles Cros, qui récompense chaque année les projets mettant à l’honneur la diversité musicale du monde. «L’Anthologie des
The House of Advisors unanimously adopted, on Tuesday, in plenary session, the framework bill 09.21 on social protection, in the presence of Minister of Economy, Finance and Administration Reform, Mohamed Benchaaboun. This text aims at broadening its direct impact on citizens in a way that can reduce poverty, combat vulnerability and support families' purchasing power, Benchaaboûn said on this occasion. The project is expected to protect poor and vulnerable groups and families with
La Chambre des conseillers a adopté en séance plénière, mardi à l'unanimité, le projet de loi-cadre n°09.21 relatif à la protection sociale, en présence du ministre de l'Economie, des finances et de la réforme de l'administration, Mohamed Benchaaboun. Intervenant à cette occasion, le ministre a ainsi rappelé que ce texte vise principalement à protéger les catégories pauvres et
The Rwanda Stock Exchange (RSE) announced Tuesday the appointment of SCL Advisory Limited, a company founded and led by Moroccan Selloua Chakri, to help it expand its database and develop its activities around the world. «SCL Advisory Limited will support the Stock Exchange's efforts to provide financial professionals and issuers with market data, analysis, and services in a reliable and timely manner to help them make more informed investment and business decisions in the Rwandan
L'école belge de Rabat, deuxième établissement scolaire belge à programme d'enseignement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles ouvert au Maroc, a annoncé le lancement de sa section secondaire à Rabat à partir de la rentrée de septembre 2021 ainsi que l'introduction à Casablanca d'une nouvelle option d'orientation à partir de la prochaine saison scolaire. La Délégation générale
La brigade de la police judiciaire relevant du district de Béni Makada, préfecture de police de Tanger, a ouvert, mardi, une enquête judiciaire sous la supervision du parquet compétent au sujet des actes criminels reprochés à un brigadier de police. Exerçant au sein du corps urbain, il soupçonné de vol et d'abus de confiance. Un communiqué de la Direction générale de la sûreté nationale (DGSN)
«Le détenu (M.M) à la Prison locale El Arjat 2 a insisté pour entamer une grève de la faim, qui aurait des conséquences sur sa santé, malgré les tentatives de le dissuader», a affirmé mardi l'administration de l'établissement pénitentiaire, confirmant ainsi la grève de la faim de l'historien et militant des droits humains Maati Monjib. «Le détenu (M.M) a avisé oralement, lundi
The 2021 U17 Total Africa Cup of Nations, which was initially scheduled to take place in Morocco on March 13-31, has been cancelled, the Confederation of African Football (CAF) announced on Monday. The announcement was made following a meeting in Rabat of the CAF Emergency Committee. «The Committee was made aware of the constraints faced by some of the participating member associations as well as the host country including the fact that the coronavirus pandemic continues to present
Women constituted more than half (50.3%) of the total population of Morocco during the past year, according to the High Planning Commission (HCP). For women aged 15 and over, 28.1% are single, 57.8% are married, 10.8% are widowed and 3.3% are divorced, the HCP points out in an information note on the occasion of International Women's Day. Of the 8,438,000 households in 2020, 16.7% are headed by women, says the same source, noting that this share is higher in urban areas (19.1%) than in rural