Le Conseil du gouvernement, réuni jeudi, a adopté le projet de décret-loi n° 2.18.781 portant création de la Caisse marocaine de l'assurance maladie, a indiqué le ministre délégué chargé des Relations avec le parlement et la société civile, porte-parole du gouvernement, Mustapha El Khalfi. Présenté par le ministre du Travail et de l'insertion professionnelle, Mohamed Yatim, ce projet intervient en
The Moroccan Coalition Against the Death Penalty is planning to commemorate the World Day Against Death Penalty by organizing a sit-in Tuesday in front of the Parliament in Rabat. The NGO will host a press Conference on October the 9th in the capital with the objective of «having Morocco to vote for the UN resolution on creating a universal moratorium on the prohibition of the capital punishment». Through these actions, the Coalition wants the kingdom to vote in favor of the UN
Italian driver Fabio Barone has set a record in Morocco, driving his Ferrari 45 in the 8-kilometer long Dades Valley track in only 4 minutes and 42 seconds, reports Gazzete del Sud on Thursday. With this incredible timing, Barone won the Speed World Record, setting his third Guinness World Record. His two other victories were recorded in Transfagarasan,a road in Romania and in China’s Tianmen Mountain Road, one of the most dangerous tracks in the world. The same source indicates that
The four Moroccan loggers who were exploited for one year by their Turkish employer have just received their residence permit. According to La Nouvelle République, they have been granted the document on September the 14th at Aigurande, a commune in the Indre department in central France. For the record, For the record, the four Moroccan lumberjacks are originally from Ouaoumana, not far from Khénifra. Two of them arrived in France in June 2017, the others joined them in February
Morocco has accepted to attend talks on the Sahara question to be held on the 4th and 5th of December in Geneva, said the Security Council’s Secretary General Antonio Guterres quoted by AFP. The Kingdom’s answer comes as the Personal Envoy for Western Sahara Horst Köhler invited Rabat to «preliminary discussions» last week. Guterres said he was confident that Algeria and Mauritania, the two other parts invited by Köhler, would respond positively
Morocco must comply with its new domestic workers law that entered into force on October the 2nd, said Human Rights Watch (HRW) on Thursday. The international NGO believes that the Moroccan authorities should «ensure that there are robust labor inspections, provide domestic workers with improved access to dispute-resolution system and raise awareness about the new law». The new law was approved by the Moroccan parliament in July 2016 but its implementation was delayed. It is
L’Institut de recherche en énergie solaire et énergies nouvelles (IRESEN) vient de dévoiler la liste de 20 projets présélectionnés au titre de l’année 2018, avec un financement à hauteur de 50 millions de dirhams, dans le cadre des appels à projets «Green INNO-PROJECT» et «Green INNO-BOOST», dans les domaines des énergies renouvelables et technologies vertes. Il s’agit de 16 projets
Le Wydad de Casablanca (WAC) s'est qualifié pour les quarts de finale de la Coupe du trône de football, saison 2017-2018, en battant l'Ittihad de Tanger (IRT) par 2 buts à 0, mercredi soir au complexe sportif Mohammed V à Casablanca, en match comptant pour les huitièmes de finale. Les buts du Wydad de Casablanca ont été inscrits par Badr Gaddarine (30e min) et du Libérien William Jebor (34e min). Au prochain tour, le Wydad de Casablanca
The Royal Navy assisted a boat in difficulty, on Wednesday off Tangier, rescuing 37 Moroccan male illegal immigrants, said the royal armed forces' general staff. A coastguard of the Royal Navy, operating in the Moroccan territorial waters, assisted an inflatable boat in difficulty, on October 3, 2018 off Tangier, following adverse weather conditions, rescuing 37 Moroccan male candidates for illegal immigration, said the source in a statement. All the immigrants were brought safely back to the
L’émission spéciale MRE, présentée par Mohamed Ezzouak, est le fruit d’un partenariat entre Radio 2M et Yabiladi.com.