

Morocco embraces digital transformation with «Digital Morocco 2030» plan

(with MAP)
Estimated read time: 1'

During the first meeting of the National Committee for Digital Development, Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch stressed the government's firm commitment to digital transformation, aligning with the King's directives.

This strategic plan aims to bridge the digital gap with developed nations and unlock the benefits of the global digital revolution.

The plan prioritizes accelerating the digitalization of public services with a focus on both citizens and businesses while ensuring quality. This pillar aims to stimulate the production of Moroccan digital solutions, create value, and generate job opportunities through developing the services migration sector, building a system for emerging companies, and digitizing small and medium enterprises.

Upskilling the workforce in various digital fields is crucial. The plan outlines initiatives through university, vocational training, programming schools, and reskilling programs.

This also includes establishing national cloud computing services to meet public and private sector needs is essential and expanding internet and mobile phone network access, particularly in rural areas, is a priority. The plan emphasizes prioritizing fiber optic infrastructure and adopting 5G technology in the medium term.

The first meeting of the committee saw participation from various government officials, representatives from the public and private sectors, professional bodies, and experts.

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