

European Elections : Sumar's promises to the Polisario

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In Spain, the far-left coalition Sumar promises to advocate for the Polisario's positions in the European Parliament. The formation plans «to send a mission to Western Sahara» to inquire about the human rights situation, announced Estrella Galán, the Sumar list representative for the June 9 election, in statements to the media, following a meeting held on Friday at the lower house of Parliament with the Polisario representative in the Iberian neighbor, Abdellah Arabi, reports the Europa Press agency.

Galán promised her interlocutor to urge «the European Union to recognize the Polisario Front as a legitimate interlocutor on matters related to the Sahara», adds the same source. She also called for expanding MINURSO's prerogatives to monitor human rights in the Sahara and reiterated Sumar's commitment to «defend the self-determination of the Sahrawi people».

On Friday, May 24, at the lower house of Parliament, the Polisario organized a day on «the memory of the Sahrawi people», in the presence of members of Spanish parties, indicates Arabi on X.

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