

Morocco, Italy boost security ties : Counter-terrorism, migration top agenda

(with MAP)
Moroccan Minister of Interior Abdelouafi Laftit and his Italian counterpart Matteo Piantedozzi. / Ph. MAP
Estimated read time: 1'

The Moroccan Minister of Interior, Abdelouafi Laftit, held talks on Tuesday in Rabat with his Italian counterpart, Matteo Piantedozzi. Officials from both ministries were present.

The two ministers discussed regional issues of common interest, according to a statement from the Moroccan Interior Ministry.

The statement further noted that both ministers emphasized the importance of strengthening cooperation between the two countries, especially in the areas of security and migration. They agreed to enhance channels for exchanging expertise to better anticipate common threats and challenges arising from terrorist networks and transnational organized crime groups.

The talks also highlighted the positive role played by the Moroccan community residing in Italy, acting as a bridge for human and cultural exchange between the two countries.

In this regard, Minister Laftit expressed his gratitude to the Italian authorities for their full cooperation in ensuring the success of Operation Marhaba. Launched by the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity, the operation facilitates the repatriation of Moroccan citizens residing abroad during the summer holidays.

Regarding counter-terrorism, Minister Laftit outlined the Kingdom's comprehensive strategy that combines preventive and reactive measures against terrorist networks. He emphasized the importance of international cooperation through intelligence exchange and a preventative approach against extremism. This approach, he stressed, underscores Morocco's significant contribution to regional security.

On the issue of migration, Laftit highlighted Morocco's comprehensive and humane strategy for migration governance, aligned with the royal directives that place migrants at the center of government efforts.

The Italian Interior Minister, for his part, stressed the importance of maintaining close cooperation with Morocco in exchanging information to combat migrant smuggling.

To this end, the two ministers agreed to establish a permanent joint migration group. This group will facilitate progress through collaboration, by capitalizing on synergies and harmonizing sectoral approaches towards a comprehensive and balanced approach to migration management.

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