

Morocco supports UN resolution for Gaza ceasefire

(with MAP)
Estimated read time: 1'

Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita expressed in Rabat on Tuesday Morocco's approval of the UN Security Council's adoption the day before of Resolution 2735, which calls for a three-phase ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and provides for a «comprehensive multi-year reconstruction plan» in the Palestinian territory.

In a press briefing, Bourita said that Morocco welcomes this resolution, which calls for an immediate, total and complete ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from the Gaza Strip and the return of displaced persons. 

He added that Morocco considers this resolution «a positive step» towards ending the war.

The Minister affirmed that the resolution is in line with the vision of King Mohammed VI to put an end to a conflict that has lasted too long in the region, in accordance with the two-state solution in compliance with international law and resolutions of international legality, stressing that negotiations remain the only way to achieve this.

The Kingdom of Morocco, he said, hopes that all parties will abide by the terms of this resolution in order to put an end to the suffering of the civilian population after eight months of destructive war in Gaza with catastrophic humanitarian consequences.

In this context, Bourita reiterated Morocco's position on the importance of the proposals put forward by the President of the United States Joseph Biden, aimed at promoting the establishment of a lasting ceasefire in Gaza, humanitarian access, the protection of civilians, the return of displaced persons and the reconstruction of destroyed areas.

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