

Morocco's math team misses International Mathematical Olympiad due to visa delays

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Qualified for the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) held July 11-22, 2024, in Bath, England, Morocco was unable to participate due to delays in obtaining visas for the team. Math&Maroc, a Moroccan mathematics advocacy group, called the situation «deplorable» and blamed «laxity on the part of officials in submitting visa applications».

On social media, the non-profit lamented that «this deprives the six Moroccan participants», rigorously selected through a three-year program of examinations, «of realizing their dream» of representing their country.

Math&Maroc emphasized that this «negligence affects the field of mathematics and excellence in Morocco», while also «dishonoring» the kingdom on the international stage. The association called for «reforms and real attention» to be given to the field of mathematics.

At the 2023 IMO in Tokyo, Morocco ranked 68th out of 112 participating countries, improving on their previous performance. Notably, the current Minister of the Interior, Abdelouafi Laftit, was a bronze medal winner at the IMO in 1986.

The Ministry of National Education, Preschool, and Sports has not yet commented on the matter.

This revision clarifies the visa issue, strengthens the impact of the missed opportunity, and removes unnecessary information.

Article modified on : 23/07/2024 00h22

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