

Moroccan film festivals share 25.97 million dirhams in grants

(with MAP)
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At its second session for 2024, the Commission to Support the Organization of Film Festivals and Events decided to grant 25.97 million dirhams (MDH) to 41 film festivals and events.

The committee, which met from July 23 to 25 in Rabat, reviewed 44 support applications submitted by organizers of national festivals and events, according to a press release from the Moroccan Film Center (CCM). Ultimately, the committee decided to support 41 of the applicants.

The Marrakech International Film Festival (FIFM) received the largest grant, amounting to 12 MDH. It was followed by the Tangier National Film Festival (7.5 MDH), the Salé International Women's Film Festival (1 MDH), the Rabat International Auteur Film Festival (800,000 DH), and the Oujda International Maghreb Film Festival (450,000 DH).

The commission session, chaired by Khadija Alami Laaroussi, included members Leila Triki, Chanaz El Akrichi, Fatima Zahra Mouhim, Mourad Latifi, Driss El Kerri, Mohamed Fadel El Joumani, and Hicham Ibrahimi.

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