
Wide Angle

Official : France recognizes Morocco's sovereignty over the Sahara

France, through a statement from President Emmanuel Macron, has officially recognized Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara. This represents a notable shift in Paris's stance, as it had previously supported only the autonomy plan.

President Emmanuel Macron and King Mohammed VI in Rabat on November 15, 2018. / Ph. Fadel Senna - AFP
Estimated read time: 2'

It's a significant diplomatic shift. A message sent to King Mohammed VI by French President Emmanuel Macron, conveyed on Tuesday by the Royal Cabinet, stated that «the present and future of Western Sahara lie within the framework of Moroccan sovereignty».

This message, which coincides with the 25th anniversary of Throne Day, reaffirms France's «unwavering position on this issue of national security for the Kingdom».

Paris «intends to act in alignment with this position both nationally and internationally», thereby injecting new energy into French diplomatic efforts in support of the dossier.

«For France, autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty is the framework within which this issue must be resolved. Our support for the autonomy plan proposed by Morocco in 2007 is clear and unwavering».

Emmanuel Macron

According to President Macron, this plan «now constitutes the only basis for achieving a just, lasting, and negotiated political solution, in accordance with United Nations Security Council resolutions». With this statement, Paris joins Madrid and Berlin, along with other countries that have endorsed the Moroccan autonomy plan's exclusivity for the Sahara.

Towards an international consensus supported by Paris

«Today, an increasingly broad international consensus is emerging», President Macron noted regarding the autonomy plan under Moroccan sovereignty. He emphasized that «France fully plays its part in all relevant forums», particularly by supporting the efforts of the United Nations Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy. «It is time to move forward. I, therefore, encourage all parties to come together for a political settlement, which is within reach», he stated in his message.

Commending Morocco’s efforts to promote the economic and social development of the Sahara, President Macron committed to ensuring that «France will support Morocco in this endeavor for the benefit of the local populations».

To confirm Paris's commitment to the Moroccan position, the French President announced that a visit to Morocco would take place in the near future. «Very attached, like Your Majesty, to ensuring that the relationship between France and Morocco can continue to grow and strengthen, I hope to be able to visit Morocco soon at Your invitation».

The French president's announcement marks a significant shift in France's support for Moroccan sovereignty over the Sahara, extending beyond its traditional backing of the autonomy plan. Moreover, it comes just days after significant concern was expressed in Algeria, which publicly displayed its discontent even before this position was officially announced.

In what Rabat views as a diplomatic success, France becomes the second permanent member of the UN Security Council to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara, following the United States' endorsement in December 2020.

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