

Dam reservoir levels in Morocco rise to 27.71% following recent rainfall

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According to the latest statistics released by the Ministry of Equipment and Water, dam reservoir levels in Morocco reached 27.71% by the end of August, equivalent to 4 billion and 467.87 million cubic meters. This represents an increase of 2.01% compared to the previous month.

The official website of the Ministry, which provides daily updates on the kingdom's dam situation, reported varying fill rates across different water basins. The Loukkos basin recorded the highest fill rate at 52.57%, significantly outperforming other basins. The Sebou basin followed with 43.96%, while the Tensift basin reached 43.24%.

Moderate fill rates were observed in the Ziz-Rhéris, Bouregreg, and Moulouya basins, ranging between 25.33%, 31.98%, and 22.46% respectively. The Draa-Oued Noun, Souss-Massa, and Oum Er Rbia basins registered the lowest fill rates, with Draa-Oued Noun at 15.32%, Souss-Massa at 11.53%, and Oum Er Rbia at just 4.45%.

Several regions in Morocco have experienced recently heavy thunderstorms, particularly in the southeastern areas and the Middle Atlas. These rainfall events contributed to replenishing water reserves. The General Directorate of Meteorology had issued an orange level vigilance alert, forecasting thundershowers accompanied by hail and gusts of wind in various parts of the kingdom on Sunday.

The recent downpours, while causing some flooding and damage in areas such as Ouarzazate, Tinghir, Errachidia, and Beni Mellal, have had a positive impact on water resources. Despite the disruptions, these rains have helped alleviate drought conditions in dams and wadis.

As of August 26, the overall dam fill rate stood at 27.38%, with a total reservoir capacity exceeding 4 billion and 147.75 million cubic meters, according to the Ministry's official website.

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