

Netherlands reiterates support for Moroccan autonomy plan, calls it «serious and credible»

(with MAP)
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On Thursday in New York, the Netherlands reaffirmed its support for the Moroccan autonomy plan, calling it a «very serious and credible» contribution to the UN-led political process.

«The Netherlands considers the autonomy plan, presented by Morocco in 2007, as a very serious and credible contribution to the political process led by the United Nations», Dutch Foreign Minister Caspar Veldkamp told the press.

Emphasizing «the importance of regional stability», the minister reiterated his country’s support for the efforts of UN Secretary-General's Personal Envoy for the Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, to «pursue a political process aimed at achieving a just, lasting, and mutually acceptable political solution in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions and the principles set out in the UN Charter».

The Dutch official also praised the «very strong and broad» relations with Morocco, which encompass various areas, including trade, security, counterterrorism, and migration.

Morocco’s role as a «very stable partner in the region is crucial», Veldkamp said, adding that his country values the «strategic partnership» with Morocco and looks forward to «deepening and broadening this cooperation in the future».

Veldkamp highlighted that the relations between the two countries are part of the broader context of Morocco's relationship with the European Union, noting that «Morocco is a very important neighbor of Europe».

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