

Stampede in Melilla : Morocco is too tolerant, according to the president of the autonomous city

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The president of Melilla, Juan José Imbroda, accuses Morocco of the pressure exerted by the «thousands and thousands» of porters who cross the border to sell goods, at the border crossing point that separates Morocco from the Spanish enclave, reports EFE.

The official believes that the Moroccan authorities «do not put order» on the side of their border, referring to the stampede that took place on Monday and which killed one person and wounded 13 others.

Before announcing the death of a 39-year-old porter, Juan José Imbroda rejected the version of those who put the blame on the Spanish side of the border, accusing the government delegate in Melilla, Abdelmalik El Barkani, or state security. Juan José Imbroda admitted that the Spanish authorities and the Ministry of Interior may make mistakes, «but if Morocco put it in order, it would not happen».

«There are thousands and thousands of people who want to enter Melilla. If you do not put order and leave them near the border fence, there will be more deaths», he added, convinced that «few incidents occur» despite pressure on other border crossings, sometimes reaching up to 10,000 people.

The official believes that Morocco should set up «good fences and good agents», as Spain does in some places that are the most used.

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