

Blatter : The North American bid seems «afraid» of losing to Morocco

Former FIFA president Sepp Blatter comments on the North American bid and the Moroccan one./Ph. DR
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According to the former president of FIFA Sepp Blatter, the North American bid to host the 2026 World Cup is «afraid» of losing to Morocco, reported the Associated Press on Thursday.

Blatter was referring to the change that occurred this week regarding the North American joint bid. In fact, the USA, Canada and Mexico have now equal status in the bid, limiting the role of Sunil Gulati, a former president of the American soccer federation and a senior American in FIFA.

«They give the impression that they are not any longer very sure that they will win, that's my impression,» said Blatter adding : «but I don't know why they are afraid.»

In February, the former FIFA president tweeted saying that «Morocco would be the logical host! And it is time for Africa again!» He added saying referring to the joint bid presented by the three American nations, namely USA, Canada and Mexico : «co-Hosting rejected by FIFA after 2002».

However, he recently declined his endorsement to Morocco’s wish to organize the competition. «I don't know if the Moroccans are able to organize a World Cup of 48,» Blatter said during a briefing held in Zurich and related to his own legal issues.

However, having Blatter commenting on the Moroccan bid is not necessarily a positive thing as the Swiss footballer has led a controversial career heading FIFA for years. In 2015, when his term ended, American prosecutors charged several of soccer officials of corruption and World Cup vote buying. He was later banned for six years from soccer after giving Michil Platini an uncontracted salary of $2 million.

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