Although these remarks are ironic, they are politically «incorrect». The vice-President of the autonomous city of Melilla, Daniel Conesa Mínguez, tweeted account the borders : «Do those who criticize us know the problems that come from the Moroccan side ? What do you want us to do ? To invade them ? Please...»
En el tema de la frontera, más allá del “todo va mal” y de la crítica política interesada, no oigo ninguna propuesta o alternativa. ¿Alguno de los que tanto critican no saben que muchos de los problemas se originan en el lado marroquí? ¿Qué hacemos? ¿Los invadimos? ¡Por favor!
— Daniel Conesa Mínguez (@DConesaMinguez) 10 mars 2018
Reported by El Faro de Melilla, the MP and spokesman of the People’s Party criticized Melilla in an assembly for not proposing solutions to the migration problem: «Beyond any negative and political criticism, I never hear about proposals or alternatives».
Meanwhile, the government delegate in the city, Abdelmalik El Barkani, stressed that «the projects and measures put in place will soon be fruitful.»