People’s Party politician Javier Maroto believes that Pedro Sanchez’ cabinet is «sending a message to migration mafias» who practice human trafficking, says Spanish newspaper ABC. The official accused Spain’s Prime Minister of «forgetting about Morocco» which «monitors thousands of people who are trying to cross» the borders between the two countries.
Interviewed by Europa Press, Javier Maroto said Pedro Sanchez should had «maintained contacts» with the Moroccan government. «I think he should have been in contact with [Moroccan officials] and listened to the country’s position on the Sahara and problems related to fishing», he added.
«When two countries do not communicate, difficulties and problems emerge», he stressed. «Pedro Sanchez has forgotten that we have neighbors in the south, including Morocco», said Javier Maroto, adding that it is a country that must be «listened to and taken into consideration».
The politician, however, clarified that his party will not «blame» Morocco, insisting that the Spanish Socialist Party «has sent a message to the Mafias», responsible for the migration flow.