

A man injured after the Royal Moroccan Navy fired on migrant boat  

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On Tuesday night, the Moroccan Navy shot a warning shot near Larache and Assilah to stop a migrant boat. According to a security source quoted by 2M «a 16-year-old migrant was hit and his shoulder is injured». The same source reports that «the boat carried 50 people, who are all Moroccan».  

This is not the first time that the Royal Navy opens fire to intercept a migrant boat from crossing the Mediterranean for Spain. On September the 25th, local authorities in M’diq-Fnideq fired on a boat, killing a 20-year-old woman.

«The Spanish national who was driving the boat refused to stop», and the navy was forced to open fire on the target, injuring four Moroccan nationals. One of them succumbed to her injuries, said the Royal Navy in a statement, referring to Hayat, a Tetouane-native.

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