

Coronavirus curve expected to «flatten out» in Morocco, health official

(with MAP)
Director of Epidemiology and the Fight against Diseases at the ministry of health, Mohamed Lyoubi. / DR
Estimated read time: 1'

The coronavirus infection curve is expected to «flatten out» in Morocco, provided that citizens implement containment measures, said Wednesday Director of Epidemiology and the Fight against Diseases at the ministry of health, Mohamed Lyoubi.

«We expect a flattening of the infection curve», he pointed out in an interview with the Moroccan News Agency (MAP), adding that «containment measures should be implemented by the citizens even at their homes».

It is «too early» to make forecasts on the epidemic in the forthcoming days, he noted.

For the moment, we expect an increase in the number of cases but with an infection curve that will flatten out given the impact of measures implemented by the Kingdom, including school closures, the ban of large gatherings, then the introduction of containment measures, Lyoubi said.

«It is the evolution of the epidemic in the four or five next days days that will enable us to make projections on the situation in Morocco», he added.

He recalled that the Kingdom has undertaken containment measures two to three weeks before some of its neighboring countries.

«The number of cases is likely to increase, but on a smaller scale compared to other countries», he pointed out.

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