Some members of the ruling party in South Africa gathered in front of the party's headquarters in Johannesburg, and they demanded the improvement of relations with Morocco, and not to confuse support for the Palestinian people with the Polisario Front.
The International Crisis Group highlights the fragile status quo between Morocco and Algeria, where issues like arms races, online disinformation, and Polisario militancy risk conflict escalation. The report emphasizes the role of the U.S. and European actors in preventing military confrontation and fostering dialogue for peace.
The series of withdrawals of recognition of the self-proclaimed Polisario «Republic» continues, as the number of countries maintaining diplomatic relations with it has significantly decreased in recent years, knowing that their number exceeded 80 countries during the 1980s.
Several Moroccan media outlets have drawn a direct connection between the arrest of the former president of the Algerian Football Federation (FAF), Kheïreddine Zetchi, and his inability to block the adoption of an amendment within CAF that prevents the Polisario from obtaining membership in the continental football organization. Is it really the case ?