On Sunday 20th of May, the Polisario Front made sure to commemorate the outbreak of its armed struggle in Tifariti, located east of the Moroccan Berm. The decision discredits the movement’s stance and will to conduct direct negotiations with the Kingdom.
The Polisario ended up organizing military parades in Tifariti. No foreign ambassador has taken part in the ceremony, attended only by a military attachés from a few countries alongside a Mauritanian parliamentary delegation.
While Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita has repeatedly stressed that Morocco has irrefutable proof backing its decision to sever ties with Iran, Tehran is back with another statement denouncing allegations. Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman said that Morocco’s accusations will destabilize the Muslim world.
Algeria has reacted to Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita’s recent accusations. In its response, the Algerian Foreign Ministry condemned Bourita’s statement without referring to the Kingdom.
Mauritanian president Ould Abdel Aziz has seized all oportunities to send significant messages to the Moroccan authorities. On the 25th of December he sent a military delegation to take part to one of the Front's military exercises. On the 27th of February and May the 10th, he received two of the Polisario's emissaries.
A demonstration has marked the 45th anniversary of the Polisario’s creation. Festivities were reportedly interrupted by a wave of anger targeting the Front’s leadership.
Without commenting on the reasons Morocco presented after severing diplomatic ties with Iran, Washington denounced the destabilizing nature of Tehran and Hezbollah’s activities.