Morocco was one of the eight Arab countries that participated to the Yom Kippur war, fought between from the 6th to teh 25th of October 1973. King Hassan II ordered Moroccan soldiers to take part of one of the deadliest Arab-Israeli wars in the history of the Middle East. Flashback.
In 1839, sultan Abd al-Rahman ibn Hisham of Morocco sent a pair of lions to the US consulate in Tangier as a present for President Martin Van Buren. The gift was impossible to refuse and was shipped to the US by 1840.
Sent by Alaouite Sultan Mohammed IV to the Court of Napoleon III, Driss Al Amraoui, son of a scholar, left a tale of his wonder for printing machines, new technologies and the situation of women in France.
In the 1880s, British lawyer Abdullah Quilliam sailed to Tangier for a vacation. In the city he was impressed by Islam and Muslims and decided to renounce Christianity for the religion. Back to Liverpool, the man helped build one of the first mosques in the UK.
In the 1700s, American statesman Thomas Jefferson purchased a copy of the Quran. Historical records suggest that the third President of the US bought the book as a law student while others say he studied it to better understand his Muslim enemies in North Africa.
Hit Radio host Mohamed Bousfiha is facing charges over a phone call that has reportedly «fabricated a crime». The host was heard Tuesday by the police and released on a 100,000-dirham bail.
The European Investment Bank (EIB) significantly increased its support for Morocco in 2023, allocating €320 million to key economic sectors. This represents a 44% increase compared to 2022. The EIB's investments focused on areas like agriculture, support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and post-earthquake reconstruction efforts.
A third year of drought across North Africa could significantly inflate wheat imports for key countries like Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia, warns Gro Intelligence.