[] Re: Friday fun
12 mars 2008 à 16:44
OH MY GOD Atlas that was disgusting!!!!!!! :D especially the guy!!!! i'm thinking of changing my name now ...More
[] Re: Friday fun
12 mars 2008 à 13:51
You probably watched this before but i get the same level of shock every time i watch ...More
[] Re: Friday fun
12 mars 2008 à 13:50
Thanks Hicham! they are so funny, especially Aron Kader! loved the one about the cousin in Jordan ...More
[] Re: Friday fun
12 mars 2008 à 12:13
ha ha you might be right! i don't know if you noticed the mistake above but i was certainly talking about you seeing a doctor and i ended up talking about myself. Maybe i really need to see one ...More
[] Re: what about some music
12 mars 2008 à 12:05
Great stuff but what the hell are Tom and Jerry doing ...More
quel cadeau! :clap: un bout de terre gelée en siberie. C'est clair ! Après on s'étonne de voir autant de Russes coloniser la ...More
[] Re: Friday fun
12 mars 2008 à 11:35
What moonwalking bear???? Hicham, i think i should see a doctor or stop taking those B)-, are you seeing things ...More
[] Re: Our Consulate in New York
12 mars 2008 à 11:14
Hey all, not sure if you noticed but you now can evaluate the Moroccan consulates and embassies of your residing countries. I think it's a good iniative to start with although we don't know if we ...More
[] Re: Nos photos de vacances
11 mars 2008 à 17:15
salam:) je voulais partager avec vous un mail que j ai recu ce ...More
[] Re: Friday fun
11 mars 2008 à 15:50
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