[] Re: Quel temps fait il?
11 mars 2008 à 13:22
Salam wr wb Moi, j'aimerais bien savoir kel temps il fait à Oujda au mois de Mai plz??? VERS LE DEBUT ENVIRON ,,, MERCI PR VOS R2PONSE SLMWRWB Mai c'est un peu ...More
I don't think you should worry. If you have called their offices yesterday there is a chance they don't operate on weekends, it happened to me with la RAM before. Try calling them on Monday morning ...More
[] Re: Friday fun
9 mars 2008 à 14:25
This is one of my favourite movies of Chaplin, this scene in particular is funny but also very sad when at the end he doesn't get the money he was hoping for to pay for the blind girl's operation. ...More
[] Re: Marrakech hotels
7 mars 2008 à 17:45
Hi all. I'm back from my holiday and just want to say a big thank you to everyone who's been helpful and gave me advice and suggestions. Atlas, we did spend a couple of days in Marrakech and it was ...More
[] Re: Quel temps fait il?
7 mars 2008 à 11:24
Je suis rentree hier de Casablanca et Marrakech ou j'ai passe 2 semaines. Il a fait tellement chaud qu'on s'est cru en plein ete! A casablanca il a fait tous les jours entre 20 et 23 degres et comme ...More
[] Re: Friday fun
25 février 2008 à 09:44
Thank you bikhor, that was funny! there is no rule as to when you can post funny fact, Monday is brilliant as i'm usuallly in a dark mood in the mornings so to start the day with a smile ...More
[] Re: Les césars 2008
24 février 2008 à 17:44
Merci d'avoir partage ces resultats... Je suis contente de voir que "La vie des autres" a recu un prix, il est sublime ce film! "La Graine et le mulet" est de quelle ...More
[] Re: Learning Arabic
22 février 2008 à 16:10
hey wunda, thanks so much for your help! unfortunately my friend doesn't speak French, would have been perfect if it was in ...More
Salut petit chat! Les images etaient laides? tu m'etonnes!! on ne pouvait s'attendre a mieux d'une production made in Hong Kong en 1978!!!!! mdr Je suis loin d'apprecier les films de ce genre ...More
[] Re: Friday fun
22 février 2008 à 14:40
OMG he's sooooooo ...More
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