All what we need is patience, the system is slow but it is responding to the external influences (American, French, British and even the ...More
19 septembre 2008 à 00:38
...what is their crime or ...More
:oups: may be is always a may be but is it a solution? the strugle is a burning flame when it dimes to that level death is better in my eyes. Unless you want to poison your ...More
May be just may be at last we will witness the hungry man is an ungry man. Our country is ritch, but a handfull of people enjoying the wealth when the rest are living in the ...More
Is this rule for women too, the whole trend is getting out of hand. Yes I do discriminate when fat women try to show theirs belly button; I find it disgusting compared to someone with slim. The ...More
Serves her right for taking food to her ...More
[] Re: Traduction
17 septembre 2008 à 13:34
Si c'est un résumé court je peux t’aider moi aussi. Très intéressant comme sujet est ce que vous avez fais les expriment des cellules gliales au niveau cérébral ...More
Even if you move there just pop down Oxford / Piccadilly circuits and Edgware Rd area you will be amazed how many "wlad/bnat lebald" are there. Before you know it you will find yourself regretting ...More
[] Re: English
15 septembre 2008 à 15:20
Why don’t you try student exchange? I have an English family, I will be more than happy to exchange with you during the Xmas Holiday if you like; I can do with brushing up my French for a couple of ...More
I used to love politics and was very passionate about the subject (this topic used to be one of my favorites back home). With an empty stomack reminds me of Moroccan jails... the ftour is soon. I ...More
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25 août 1984
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