I have learnt that Salmia drink lowers the blood sugger so bought rabtta with 5 MDH and had to pay a hotel waiter another 5DH to make me a pot every day.
Breakfast falgorna sounds like a panishment
Sorry I have better info now the guy charges £2.50 per kg and delivers to London Casa and ves ver sa. In the £100; she had some olive oil delivered too plus spices.
He lives in Meknes and can pick
sorry I have forgotten to ask my mum about any delivery man. the last block brought her ingraved sdader and "la ponge doulidoule" for about £100 I personally don't like laponge is too soft for my
I like this question because I have a leather sofa (five recliners). I have spent lots of money on them but I hate them hopefully we will get some Moroccan area after the extention of the
one can see that her speech was learnt by heart and just recycled back. Perhaps she had bad childhood as it was sad; I feel sorry for her.
May Allah give her peace in her heart instead of
Don't froget " count sur carnet" is the only account that hasn't got any charges but you can't use it abroad and you have no cashline card. The book is similar to a building society booklet and you
MAROOK RAMADAN (with health inch Allah to all)
Last week I was on full board in Egypt and this week alhamdo lillah just the memories.
Great so far just I feel a bit thirsty. Got confused when I
I am taking her tomorrow on a cruise in Egypt instead. She has only been twice to Morocco in 86 and 87; the children have never been there yet. I like to go to my country alone with no fuss or
I wouldn't advise her to go to Morocco during Ramadan. If she could wait only a few days later by the end of the month around 29/30 she could enjoy her stay better especially if she isn't