[] Re: Happy Ramadan
9 septembre 2008 à 13:06
That guy doesn't speak berber he uses the moroccan ...More
[] Re: Happy Ramadan
9 septembre 2008 à 10:30
That is very funny, now I undertand someone used to say Ikh'khane hada each time he is cheesed off about ...More
[] Re: wlad blad who live in England
9 septembre 2008 à 10:22
There isn't more to add to what Atals have already advised you mate; just remember. You need to have a desire to achieve something, set the flame of the torch burning, feel the heat of the fire ...More
[] Re: Do you miss something from Labled ?
8 septembre 2008 à 14:58
Yesterday on 2M I saw how modern families break the fast nowadays; they go out for a meal to a restaurant. that is very sad, I am not against eating out but please not in Ramadan, its about ...More
[] Re: Seeking baby names
5 septembre 2008 à 00:40
The best ones i ever known boy: Ramdane (he used to be moule zari3a) girl: 3aychoura a very pritty one as a matter of ...More
[] Re: Do you miss something from Labled ?
5 septembre 2008 à 00:33
I miss my late father's Ramadan, just a few days before the start, he used to bring us 3arch labloohe ( dates) not ripe and hang it in the hall. as kids, we used to have so much fun hsaking the ...More
you only have $500 and you want to stay in cheap dirty hostals and eat cheap street food; become ill and come back complaining about how poor and horrible the country is when you are testing yourself ...More
[] Re: Do you miss something from Labled ?
4 septembre 2008 à 17:12
I miss part of my life young, running in the street and half dozen other kids trying to catch me while I run though the posts screaming Zdididi. Oh I used to run like the wind… I miss my mama ...More
[] Re: VRZF
4 septembre 2008 à 15:58
Today is the first day I feel very tired and thirsty but I have just over an hour and half before I finish work and go to sleep. We are all proud to be black (at least me and myself) because if we ...More
[] Re: Seeking baby names
3 septembre 2008 à 23:54
boys: toto, 9adour, benacer, abd Ahalim,hafid, Farid,asmak, abd alwahab, dokali,futah, arwicha, girls: haloma, marwa, albatool, lobaba, tamimo, ramya, zina, Fanta,zanoba, dariya, ch3ayebiya, ...More
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