[] Re: help me with speaking French!!!!!!
3 septembre 2007 à 19:42
scroll down the forum and you will see the post by YoussefOuz "Discussion by Windows Messenger (MSN)", he wants to practice english with someone. Maybe you can help each other ...More
pas mal. Le chiffre de 200 000 voitures me semble un peu bcp mais ...More
[] Re: London magnet society
31 août 2007 à 15:55
it's an association for people in London from the Maghreb, don't know much really about them apart from ...More
[] Re: Facebook
30 août 2007 à 20:50
I love the pet application, I have a panda right now :D, it's so funny when he gets really hungry and upset he shows it. You've just reminded me! I ...More
[] Re: Facebook
30 août 2007 à 16:09
I have started using it recently and managed to find an old friend. I not finding it very useful yet. I guess, I need to develop it a little bit ...More
Assalamaleycoum I would like to know if it's possible to have MSN adress to discuss with someone who have a good level in English. I think it's the best method to improve my ...More
[] Re: Facebook
30 août 2007 à 14:22
I have started using it recently and managed to find an old friend. I dont finding it very useful yet. I guess, I need to develop it a little bit more. one other website for professionals is ...More
Salut aanabil... Je vais tenter de faire quelques eclairissements, Bien sur je ne rentres pas dans les détails sur les consequneces economiques. Voici les montants injectées par ...More
Bonsoir, Bon au cas ou vous ne l'auriez pas remarqué, y'a une mega crise financiere qui va conduire a des boulversements inedits depuis le 20 siecle...ça risuqe d'etre la mega ...More
Ton souci c'est juste les MST? lol c'est vite réglé, un preservatif suffit. et pour être sur qques tests médicaux avant le ...More
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11 août 1977
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31 déc. 2005 18:45
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