[] Re: Blair: The end of an era
27 juin 2007 à 16:25
He is an amazing person, the best public speaker of his generation. Everytime I listen to one of his speeches I can't help but feel fascinated and so impressed by him. Britain has a tradition of ...More
what a waste. Developped societies are spending money on scientific research and Koweit is spending money to look for scientific signs in the Qur'an. not wonder that we are so lagging ...More
Salman Rushdie was rewarded because of the bad things he said about islam and the offending stuff he wrote about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), while a britisher David Irving is doing time ...More
Passerby? what war you are talking about? ... there is a fight on many areas. first, we arent powerful enough to take the fight by front. so we have to be smart rather than to try ...More
Sometimes I wonderif LeMask is genuine or just acting,but it seems he is really genuine. Could you tell us what you ar doing to win this war? (concrete acts ...More
yes, very sensible... but it's also irresponsible. how are we going to live if any douche bag in the streets can talk as he wish about the beliefs of the others... and then we let ...More
No LeMask, I dont expect Muslims to smile like idiots. I would have prefered they ignored him. Simple as that. If it weren't to us, this guys would have stayed an unknown and penniless author. We ...More
I have read in the Guardian today that sales of "Satanic Verses" are soaring again. We are just making this guys richer than he is already thanks to us. What silly people we are. I have just ...More
The question should be "What's wrong with the others?" Those whose offenses never end. It's too simple minded to see that as a mere medal. Take a quick look around you, you'll see who ...More
[] Re: Salman Rushdie anobli
20 juin 2007 à 11:45
l'histoire se repete, on va encore assister a des manifestations, des gens qui vont bruler des ambassabes, qui vont se tuer et tuer d'autres. Un ministre Pakistanai qui justifie les attaques ...More
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