Bravo l'Européen! des arguments épatants...faut quand-même pas toujours chercher un coupable, la laïcité, l'islamisme, le Mekhzen...s'il y a des bars et que personne n'y va, ils vont fermer,
It's really amazing that very few people know about what's going on. The demonstrations are now growing and some media start to tackle the subject. The judges are challenging the government to go on
Ok, it's a long stroy, but I can summarise...
The site is the blog of a couple, Manal and Alaa, and as you could read in English, Alaa has been arrested as well as other bloggers
Panneaux solaires et énergie éolienne, seraient souhaitables.
Oui, mais il ne s'agit pas d'énergie pour l'électrification rurale sinon de l'énergie pour des polygones
Le Maroc veut se doter d¹installations nucléaires pour diversifier ses sources d¹approvisionnement et répondre à la croissance de sa demande d¹énergie, a déclaré mardi à
c'est a dire debat public, faut faire un referendum maintenant pour decider quel type d'energie utiliser?
T'as deja vu aux US ou en France l'etat faire des debats
Back to tafilalt's reply...
"You can't define the culture just by giving one or two examples, the culture is more global than a simple acts. For example, the culture is define our
Just to remind Aziz-dk and others, this is how Tafilalt linked the subject of friendship with marriage:
Tafilalt said: "...if your freinds are all europeans, i will not be surprised if tommorrow
Hi all,
So according to you, Tafilalt, and going back to the subject which is about closest friends (thanks moderator for reminding us), if two people have different cultures, they can't be