Ok Amazigh8, c'est bien d'être optimiste! la situation en Algérie est parfaite et son HDI est parmi les meilleurs du monde! reconnaître ses défauts est un premier pas pour l'amélioration,
Des sous marins en 2006!!! mais, quel exploit...une vraie vision d'avenir! ce sera évidemment avec des missiles nucléaires, non?
En tout cas c'est une meilleure idée pour remplir les poches à
If you want I have plenty of topics...
To start, I would like to have your opinion about "cultural identity". What does it mean for you a "cultural identity"? Which are the consituting elements of a
Personally, I find the english forum better than any others in French. However, people here seem to be more reserved and not express themselves fully or freely...Feeling bored in my opinion is a
"I had a very negative idea about Morocco, between 1994 and 1999 I didn't even visit Morocco"
What was the secret then to change your negative idea into a positive one?
I'm sorry, I know you
I agree with you laserist that the objective here is not to talk bad about Morocco. To live or not live in Morocco has more to do with feelings, as you said, to feel appreciated, to feel in peace, to
Where did you get this critique? who is Ayman?
Would you give me the reference?
I am also interested in reading the interview with Wafa Sultan? who is
Ok, I agree that Morocco is a very good place to do business and a paradise for businessmen and for rich people. But, then what about the poors there, or even the middle class? what about persons who