This is an interesting read. First and foremost, I am not a berber. I just want to make that clear. I am African though. This is what I hear from the arabs who come from the Middle East. They say that Moroccans don't even speak arabic. I found that to be quite interesting and sometimes shocking, since most moroccans I have met in the US say they are arabs. I even had a friend whose Mom is Shlah insist he was arab. He was quickly "shot" down by a saudi who rejected him as such.
In serious academia, most scholars agree that the Amazigh character is what makes morocco and north africa for that matter, so different from the rest of the "arab world". Most agree that derija is not arabic at all. The Amazigh people do have a tremendous histroy... not written in berber of course, but in Latin and greek. It is one of the most ignored histories on the african continent. I have some articles if anyone is interested. I hope I don't piss anyone off.
Dear Forumists,
The Amazigh issue should not be viewed as an attemt to our unity as Moroccans. Mr Alkhateeb has written a very nice book on the mosaic society of Morocco. However, when Amazighs raise their voice a bit louder, they just want recognition for their culture, and a rewriting of the history of North Africa. The purpose of this demand is to further enrich our Moroccan culture and to give it a sense of diversity within unity. Morocca has always been an open society and throughout history, it has succeeded in assimilating different cultures. When Muslims invaded the country, Amazighs were not ignorant sheperds (as one of the forumists said), but a nation governed by a brilliant woman. Arabs exploited the riches of the country extansively, and every year loads of these riches were sent to Baghdad and Damascus, together with the most beautiful Amazigh women as gifts to the rulers in Sharq. These are the hidden facts about the history of Morocco!!
I think the most frightening danger for Moroccans is not the issue of Amazighia, but the real threat comes from fundamentalisme. Morocco is now experiencing a wave of Wahhabism and Zarqaouisme, which will make Morocco, if they succeed, another copy of Iraq and Afghanistan. If it happens, Islamists will say it's an Americano-Zioniste plot!!!!
Here is the site. I think it is an interesting read. Hope you enjoy. I think more important than the paper itself, is his sources.